Fifty Eight

Elizabeth had a palace caretaker blindfold me as she kept pulling me along with her everywhere. When she finally took off the blindfold, I found myself in a breathtaking garden filled with flowers. Every wall was just filled with leaves and vines and flowers and as I ventured into it, I found a bench with golden flowers engraved in the sides. The roof was made up of leaves and vines and they were being held up by two golden goddesses.

    When I asked about the secret garden, Elizabeth told me that it was tradition to show this garden to a princess on her sixteenth birthday. I reminded her that it wasn't my birthday, and she said the battle would most likely be on my birthday or the day before. She wasn't sure of the outcome of the fight, so she wanted to give me the garden before she had to leave. We walked up and down the garden and then, out of nowhere, Elizabeth asked me if I had magic.

    I denied it, but she refused to believe me. She then drew her sword and pointed at me and told me to tell the truth, but I kept lying. She got annoyed, and turned to Arthur, sword raised. She swung at him, but I managed to draw my own sword and block her attack. She turned back to me and we began to fight, swinging the sword like our lives depended on it, because Arthur's did.

    Elizabeth's superiority in the fight was obvious and she eventually knocked me over, hit my sword away and held hers to my throat. Instead of stabbing me, she turned back to Arthur and threw her sword at him. I reached out in his direction and stopped the sword right before it could hurt him. Elizabeth was surprised and impressed, but also a bit annoyed that I lied.

    I confessed to everything, from Emmanuel to Merlin to our dream as we walked back to the castle. She was very accepting of me and was more annoyed that I lied to her. However, before she could start lecturing me, her fiance, Keith, and Nathaniel came over and I used that as a chance to get away with Nathaniel and left them behind.

Keith was the only person I know who can make Elizabeth obedient to a certain degree, so I was thankful for him. All though, I would've appreciated a heads up of some sort, because as Nathaniel and I were walking back to the main hall, he suddenly just went down on one knee and proposed.