Chapter 19: Cloaked

"You already know how I feel about you, now leave." Ordered the Crimson Cloak, AKA Alexis Rivers. "I'm in no mood to fight."

"Neither am I." The Red Reaper spoke in his deep dark tone, the voice alternator resonating in his gas mask. "I wish to speak to you about your disciples."

"What about them?" Alex hissed under her mask.

"Your groupies," Leo began as he paced back and forth along the edge of the building, irritating Alex even further as she trailed his figure with her light red eyes. "They kill with no regard for life and then claim to be the ones who save. Did you teach them that?"

"No, but I'm indifferent to it. I've killed before, I will most likely kill again." She glared at him. "Who are you to criticize my friends for killing when you have more kills than any of us combined and multiplied by a hundred."

"You're right," Leo stated without hesitating. "But when the war ended, I wanted to be normal, I wanted to live a life without too much violence. I just want to be an ordinary teen."

"Then why'd you come out here then?" She asked skeptically. "Perhaps your true nature is calling, lusting for blood so that you can spill it once again!"

"Maybe," Leo said, though his hands turned into fists. "I came out here to investigate you, it's not every day someone wants to play the hero." Alex actually gave him a mock laugh.

"You think I'm the first? You really haven't seen the news? Or listened to anybody? Do you live under a rock? You single-handedly inspired thousands of heroes across the Union, multiple becoming famous due to their heroism." Her tone then darkened.

"But, those who become heroes aren't as skilled as my disciples, a lot of them die every day trying to be something they aren't." Leo's eyes widened. He hadn't known that.

"Heroes...because of me?"

"Villains too," She spoke with ease. "They don't last long, heroes outweigh the villains by a lot, but they do exist."

"I didn't realize I had this much of an impact on people," He whispered to himself.

"Excuse me?" She spoke in an angered voice. "You didn't know? You must be blind! Everything in this country is influenced by you! The government, the crime, and everything else! You have statues, parks, and even babies named after you!" She cried. "But you're no hero, you're no messiah! All you are is a heartless monster!"

"I saved this country from being completely taken over by the New Confederacy!" He shouted, losing his cool as he walked to her furiously. "You call me blind yet it is you who refuses to lift the blindfold and truly see!"

"Shut up with your stupid metaphors!" She shouted. "Just what is it that I don't know?!"

"I'm not the only Reaper!" He shouted angrily, practically in Alex's face.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Did you really think I was the only person who could do what I do? Destroy armies? Take down countries? At the time of the war, there six others just like me, but only one was as strong as me. And now, they might be stronger."

"They're still alive?" She asked in a shocked voice. Leo nodded.

"Of course they are! Well, I thought I killed my equal, but he survived, but the others," He let out a bitter laugh. "I thought they retired. Guess good ole Blue just had to drag them back in it."

"Blue? You're rival?" He nodded. "This isn't some Gameboy game! This is serious! I know Blue isn't his name so tell me so I can kill him!"

"You've forgotten already? I said he was on par with me, probably stronger. I was out of commission for a few years, he's been training to beat me." He clenched his fist as he glared at the ground. "He can probably beat me in a one on one," Alex's eyes widened.

"Are they going to try again?" Leo was quiet before he began walking away, stepping onto the ledge of the roof, his red eyes were hardened as he looked at the streets below him. Alex glared at his back as if she could make him burst into flames if she glared hard enough.

"Answer the question you ass!"

"No," He whispered. "They're here for another purpose. They don't wish to resurrect the New Confederacy, they don't want to destroy the Union." He let out a long, soft, tired sigh. "They most likely here to kill me."

"Kill you?" Alex questioned. "Maybe I should help them," She said with a sinister smirk. Leo looked over at her and a small smile graced his lips under his gas mask.

"Go ahead. But they would rather kill you than work with you, and even the weakest member of that group can take down twenty soldiers all by himself," He said easily. "What makes you think you can even sit with them, let alone fight with them to defeat me."

"You said it yourself, they would probably beat you, but reassurance is always a good thing." Leo laughed a little before he slammed Alex to the water tower that sat on top of the building.

"You see, Alex, if you try and get associated with the Blue Reaper and his crew, you will most certainly die. As will your family, you understand that right? The moment you let vengeance take control of your life it's not your life anymore. What would your family say when your body comes back in a duffle bag, hm? I'm sure your siblings would cry, as well as your mother.

"Your father would most likely try to find who did this and would get himself killed because where he works, he could dig information up like that easily. He would die, and you would be the cause, you would be at fault. Tell me Alexis Rivers, how do you feel about that?"

"How the hell do you know of my family? And how the hell do you know about me?!" She shouted angrily.

"I like to know everything about everyone I have interest in. You've interested me you Red Reaper wannabe," He let her go and he traveled back to the ledge, this time leaning dangerously forward. "We will meet again, Crimson Cloak, but next time will be different, under new circumstances that will come to light soon enough." And with that, he jumped off the ledge.

Alex's eyes widened as she rushed forward, looking over the edge where she saw cars and people walking. But no Red Reaper.

"There's no way he's human," She muttered to herself. "Absolutely no way," A light chuckle could be heard from behind her as she whirled around.

A man with a blank mask, only two eye holes that revealed bright blue eyes met her own red. He wore mostly blue, dressed in what was eerily similar to the Red Reaper's clothing. He had a single sword strapped to his back and two throwing knives on each side of his waist.

He had blonde hair on the top of his head, it moving slightly due to the wind that traveled freely across the rooftops of the city.

"Hello, Alexis Rivers, allow me to introduce myself." He gave her a mock bow. "I am the Blue Reaper, but please," He looked up, meeting her eyes again. "Just call me Blue."