Chapter 24: Awake

Alexis Rivers looked down at the grave below her. It was sad. Every time she came here it made her sad. He may have deserved to die, but he was a good person at heart. 

He just wanted what he thought was best. 

He left his siblings. How could he do that? Why would he do that? 

She clenched her fists in anger. 

How could he choose the New Confederacy over his own family? 

Proture Rivers made her angry as well. 

Alex let out a long heavy sigh, the thunder in the distance rumbling as she felt the air shake along with it. It would rain soon. She could already smell it. It was going to rain pretty badly too. 

She turned around and began walking away from the grave. 

She had heard Leo's little brother, Hayden, was in the hospital. She knew what was going to happen, and she let it happen anyway. 

She was trash.