Chapter 36: Fearless

Leo looked up at the capitol, the atmosphere surrounding the building was tense. Dead bodies were littering the front lawn of the President's House. 

"Leo, my old friend!" A booming voice came from the front window. Leo looked up and saw his old comrade standing in the broken window, a grin spread across his face. "It's about time you showed up, I was worried that you got swallowed up by a sinkhole or something." 

"I would never miss the chance to cut your throat and watch the blood spill out," Leo replied as he pulled out his sword. 

"Ah yes, but you see, I want to see how far you've progressed! I mean, last time I saw you you were dying in the rain with a lot of blades in your body. Then you kill Patrick, Tannis, Darius, and an entire district filled with my soldiers. And now you're on a crusade to destroy the Union, it's almost poetic how your journey is coming to an end."