Chapter 2

"Thank you for the coffee, Sir." Angelo nods at Lucan as he hands him his coffee.

"Thanks for the coffee boss." Marco grabbed his coffee as he mumbled his thanks.

Lucan met Angelo's eyes in the rearview mirror and nodded to him. He grunted at Marco in response. His thoughts keep going back to the dark-haired girl in the coffee shop. Jack. What kind of name is that for a girl?

"Sir, the snow is really coming down. I have concerns about driving to Vegas, we don't have chains and I'm getting warnings on my phone."

Shit. Lucan knew this was going to fucking happen. As he hated this time of year.

"There isn't shit around here Angelo. What is the nearest town we can turn around and go back to?"

"Looks like its Bishop."

"Two fucking hours back the way we just came? Fuck."

"I'm sorry Sir. But we have no choice." Angelo says as he glances at Lucan in the mirror.

"Fuck. Fine. Get us the fuck back to the coffee shop."

"Yes, Sir."

"Yo Boss."

Jesus what now.

"What, Marco?" Lucan snapped.

"Look on the bright side. You get to see the coffee lady."

"Shut the fuck up Marco."

"Yes, boss."

The coffee lady. I have her name now. I should have Frankie get me some Intel on her. The first time I laid eyes on her was nine months ago and I haven't been able to get her out of my mind. I acted like a fucking chump today, she caught me off guard when she introduced herself and I walked out like a fucking asshole without saying anything.

"Sir, we are coming up at the coffee shop."

Lucan pulled his phone out and tapped Frankie's name and of course, he picked up on the first ring.

"Lucan," Frankie said smoothly as he answered the phone.

"Frankie, I need some info on the owner of a coffee shop called Jack's, in Bishop Colorado. Fucking snow has us turning around. Won't be there till tomorrow. Call me when you have it." Lucan disconnected the call.

His phone pinged with a text from Frankie.

FB: I wondered how long it was going to take you to ask. It's only been almost a year.

LM: Fuck off Frankie.

FB: Yes Sir.

That fuckin guy. I trust him with my life and he is part of the reason I am where I am. He was with me the first time we stopped. It was her hair. Her back was turned while she was standing behind the counter. Chestnut colored hair in a ponytail and all I could think about was if her hair was as soft as it looked. And when she turned around and smiled at the lady standing waiting for her coffee, I lost my shit. Right then and there. I turned to Frankie and told him what I wanted and to grab something for Angelo and Marco and walked out. That was a cold day in January and here I am almost a year later.


Lucan glanced up and looked at Angelo in the mirror.

"We're two minutes out."

Lucan nodded.

The parking lot is empty. Shit. The place looks like it's closed. Fuck.

"Marco. Make yourself fucking useful and find us somewhere to stay tonight. Now." Lucan snapped.

"Yes, Boss," Marco mumbled as he pulled his phone out.

Lucan noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. The door swung open and out stepped Jack. Before he even registers what he's doing, Lucan is out of the SUV and across the parking lot in just a couple of strides. She had her back to him, totally oblivious. She's a target. An easy one.


She jumped and screamed, scaring the shit out of both of them. Lucan could see Angelo watching them while Marco was on the phone.

Jack thought she was going to have a heart attack when she realized someone was standing behind her and said her name. She never noticed anyone standing there and had her headphones in so she didn't hear anything.

I have got to start paying more attention. Situational awareness as grandpa used to say. I realize the hulking mass behind me is Lucan. Holy shit it's the Italian stallion himself.

"Hi. Um. Lucan. Hi. Sorry. You startled me. Hi. Sorry. I've said Hi four times.��� He's just standing there staring at her.

"I'm sorry Jack. I didn't mean to startle you. We have a bit of a situation."

"It's okay, I wasn't paying attention. Situation? Is everything okay? Please, come in Lucan, your friends are welcome as well. It's cold."

Lucan gave her a curt nod and motioned for Angelo and Marco to come in as he held the door open for her.

"I just need to take this to the trash, I'll be right back Lucan."

Lucan snapped his fingers. "Marco, grab the trash."

"Oh no no, that's okay Lucan. I have it."

"Marco. Trash. Now." He barks at him.

Lucan looks at Jack while Marco, she assumes, grabs the bag out of her hand.


Wow, these guys are of few words.

"Around the side, towards the back of the building, there is a dumpster." Jack turns and looks at Lucan and the other man and motion to the door.

What the fuck is going on? Jack's palms are starting to sweat. These guys are huge. Three of them. Shit. Big boys. She has her stun gun but that isn't going to do shit. At least the money is in the safe under the flooring in my office. Nothing to take unless they want some uncooked cinnamon rolls that are proofing.

"What can I help you with Lucan? You said there is a situation?"

"We had to turn around, this storm was making it hard to see and the highway is shut down."

"They started closing the roads down about an hour ago, I'm not surprised."

"My associate, Marco, that took your trash out has been trying to find a place for us to rent for the night. Do you know of any accommodations that are close?"

"There isn't anything here anymore. The bed and breakfast closed down over a year ago. And the little motel at the truck stop about a half-hour from here, they are renovating till the spring. I'm sorry Lucan"

The door swings open and its big-boy number three. Jack moved behind the counter, putting some space between her and them. She put her purse that she had hanging on her shoulder under the counter, glad she didn't have it zipped up. She could see the taser sitting there feeling a bit better.

"Can I make you guys a pot of coffee or get you anything?" She's nervous and needs something to do.

"Please, coffee. I'm Angelo. Nice to meet you, and thank you for allowing us to come in even though you are closing."

"Nice to meet you, Angelo."

"I'm Marco." The trash man juts his chin at Jack.

"Please gentleman, sit." Jack motions to the chairs.

"No, go, boss, no place to go around here."

Lucan rolled his eyes as soon as Marco opened his mouth. Fuck. Why does Marco have to sound like a fucking meathead idiot every time he opens his mouth?

"We will take our coffee for the road. Please. Thank you for your hospitality, Jack."

Lucan turns to Angelo, "Get the Caddy warmed up. We will figure this out."

"Excuse me." Jack's voice, soft, floating through Lucan's ears and into his veins.

"I uh, I can help you. I can put you up for the night Lucan."

"I can't ask you to do that Jack. Thank you though."

"It's no trouble. I have an apartment upstairs. It's furnished and has enough room for the three of you to sleep. It might be a bit dusty but it's comfortable."

Luan looks at Angelo who nods slightly.

"If you're sure it isn't a problem Jack. I'd be happy to compensate you."

"Let's get you guys settled first. If you would give me a few minutes, I'll go air out everything real quick." Lucan nods his head in response. And Jack takes a deep breath. Okay, I don't feel like I'm going to get robbed.

Lucan watches Jack as she walks behind the door to the kitchen.

"Marco, go get our shit." Lucan snapped at him.

"Yes, boss."

Lucan's phone starts ringing. He can hear thumping around above his head. Jack sounds like she's running around. It's Frankie calling in. He slid the button to answer.

"Frankie. Do you have it?"

"Yeah, I'm sending the file to you. She's a baby Lucan. You just need a good roll in the sack. I'll send up one of the girls when you get here." Sigh.

"Send it Frankie. And if I want your fucking opinion, I'll ask for it." Lucan disconnected the call.

Frankie hangs up the phone, setting it on his desk. What the fuck is going on with Lucan. He is one of the most if not the most powerful men in the Mob and he is twisted over some fucking coffee shop owner? This isn't good. Reckless men make reckless decisions. I need to call Angelo and get his take. I need him to be focused. Not chasing some fucking skirt that got his interest peaked after Sophia fucked him up. It's been 3 years since that fucking fiasco. Fuck.