Hall of Fame

Xie Feng and the two beauties walked for a long time as they chatted with each other. They crossed many territories on the way and only after walking for almost 1 full hour did they stop.

The reason Xie Feng and the two women walked so far was principally to be sure that there were no players secretly following them. If an assassin wanted to follow the group from a distance, even Xie Feng had no way of noticing it immediately. Therefore, it was only after they had walked several kilometers away from the walls of Eminentis City that the three finally stopped their steps.

When they were finally sure that no one was following them, Gu Qianxue applauded enthusiastically: "Okay Xie Feng, let me see your little dragon one more time~"

Your little dragon... 

Xie Feng: "$#!&@¥..."

Xie Feng's face turned black and with a serious tone he said: "I say, Qianxue, you're doing it on purpose, aren't you?"