A dying flame needs only a bit of wind to reanimate (Part 2)

Xie Feng turned around and looked at Mu Wuying, who was staring at him as if he were an alien face to face.

"As I said, it must have been some servant." Xie Feng frowned and repeated softly. "This barrier, except for its strange ability to hide from sight and take you by surprise, didn't seem to be too good."

Mu Wuying smiled bitterly and shook her head secretly. Even if Yao Xiyu, like most members of the Yao Family mainly possessed strong attacking power and weak defense, the barrier put up by one of the strongest men in China and probably the whole world could not be casually called 'weak'.

"Feng, have you ever faced another Esper?" Mu Wuying stared at him and asked.

Xie Feng seemed surprised at the sudden question, but still, trusting her, he nodded without hesitation, "I have. In the past, I faced some skill users from the Yang and Gu families. Recently I gave that scum Nangong Chen a big beating as well."