Blessing of the Goddess of Love (Part 4)

Xie Feng's right fist collided for the millionth time with the left fist of the God of Human Sacrifice and immediately after that, just like before, Xie Feng hit with his left fist without delay with the intention of smashing his enemy's head.



Buluc Chabtan's left fist, which a split second ago was holding back Xie Feng's right fist, had successfully impacted and blocked the incoming attack.

"You... Are you getting faster?" Xie Feng murmured in disbelief. His pupils quivered slightly at this realization and, without waiting for an answer from his enemy, he lashed out with his right leg like a wild whip.


The almighty True God who seemed to have made a comeback to the battle was sent flying several kilometers before coming to a halt.

"Ha ha ha ha!" The god laughed. "Interesting, really interesting! Even though you're weak, at least I can have fun with this little avatar!"