Joy and happiness

A total of thirty whole minutes passed.

During these thirty minutes, Gu Qianxue cried like a little girl. Her tears flowed as if a dam had broken and practically splashed all over Xie Feng's upper body.

She was clearly releasing all the sadness and pain she had felt throughout her eighteen years. Her tears, rather than joy, were mainly tears filled with complaints that had been held inside her unable to come out.

As for Xie Feng, he hugged her silently and naturally did not even care if his shirt was wet from her tears. All his attention was focused on Gu Qianxue.

He knew that words of encouragement would have little or no effect, so after the first few minutes, he simply sat on the bed and held her close to him, allowing her to cry on his chest at will.

As for the girls, none of them left and they stood there silently, not saying a word but expressing their support with their presence, trying to tell her that she was not alone.