Xie Feng - Yao Feng?

Mu Wuying's voice turned much softer and lower to the point that if it were not for the fact that the room was absolutely silent and the mansion was set back from the main gate that separated it from the central square, Xie Feng would not have been able to hear her.

"As you well know, due to China's large population and increase in recent years, each family is only allowed to have one child for each parents... So, if it became known that one of the country's leading families was breaking their own rule, the citizens would definitely start an uproar.

This is precisely why Nangong Chen was sent to study far away from Beijing and even accepted all his demands no matter how unreasonable they were. Since the leader of the Nangong Family would be Nangong Lei, his younger brother could do as he pleased... In the university no one knew that he was a member of THAT Nangong Family and even if he said so it was unlikely that anyone would really believe him." Mu Wuying sighed.