There is no woman worthy of monopolizing him

The silence that hit the private box hard was the last of the things Xie Feng expected. 

What Xie Feng expected once he revealed his "stranger" and even expected to receive some scorn due to the relationship he had with the other beauties, he even expected to be greeted with a lot of shocked shouts, etc. However, the only thing that greeted him was brutal silence.

He subconsciously glanced at Xie Yao and the rest of the girls to make sure that time hadn't frozen or something since looking at the faces of Yue Kai and the rest of his friends Xie Feng found that they had even stopped breathing, scaring him a bit.

However, to the partial relief of Xie Feng, Xie Yao and the rest of the beauties inside the room who had some sort of close relationship with him were blinking and breathing properly.