Alone: Prologue

Note: I am putting the first four chapters of book one and two back. If you want to read full story, the book is on Amazon


The war raged on in the World of Zlyanz as the sides of dragons and demons wouldn't relent. For centuries, the demons and dragons have not found a compromise as they both wanted to rule over Zlyanz. There has been a ton of death and destruction that never seemed to end.

Ylloss, daughter of the prominent dragon general, Parcarath, was scheduled to be executed amongst her clan for having relations with a demon.

To make matters worse, the demon, Kazror, is the second son of the demon king. Kazror is also getting executed, but instead of being amongst his clan, the demon king thought it would be best to set an example and kill him in front of every demon.

Ylloss rested in a dirty dungeon that laid underneath the tower her clan owned. Almost two years ago, her family locked her away. And during that time, she hid her egg. And now, of all days, when she is getting executed, cracks started to appear on the shaking egg.

'But it is okay,' she thought, as she moved, stretching her wings and tail as she tapped her nose on the egg. The egg started to shake more, acting like it felt its mother's touch. Ylloss thought of this day coming; she moved again, wrapping her tail around the cracking egg.

'I am sorry, my little one, but this is where we separate.' She sadly thought, holding back her tears. Once she lifted her egg, she used her claws to pick up the potion that Kazror gave her.

'Kazror,' she longly sighed,' I am sorry I could not tell you about our child. I know you wanted to save me, but our little hatchling is more important but, we will meet each other again, my love, in death.'

She used her sharp teeth to take the cork off and spilled the content on the makeshift nest. The potion swirled, before showing a picture of a forest in another world. Ylloss moved her egg on top of the portal but stopped before dropping her child through.

She rested her head on the egg as a glow started between them, 'Take your mother's love to keep you warm. One day I hope you will forgive me and understand why I abandoned you. And remember, your name is Endru.'

Then, she dropped him in as tears started to fall down her face. She saw her child land as the portal closed. 'I love you, Endru.'


Endru landed in the World of Qarlyn. A place where regular humans and humans with strange abilities, that fought the creatures that rested there. The world had five countries with big walls surrounding them, keeping them separated. The nation had a peace treaty between all of them but was subtly fighting due to the creatures.

In the countries were four cities that are separated by status. There was the poor, the farmers and owners, the soldiers and hunters, and the rich. And from the way things are, the poor were the ones who dealt with abuse from everyone.

Endru landed in the Country of Syn's forest. He was between the border of the poor and soldiers and hunters city line. When he hit the ground, the eggshell shattered. From the pieces arose Endru, a hybrid of a dragon and demon.

He had the shape of a harmless baby raven. But even though he looked like that, he was more powerful than anyone can think. He even had abilities that were different from the creatures there.

Endru opened his eyes, expecting to see his mother, but all he saw was the midst of a forest. Endru let out a sad chirp as he tried to walk, only to trip due to his leg being unaccustomed to walking.

He landed face-first onto one of the egg pieces; he began to shriek as he wings spread out, flapping like crazy. 'Mama, mama!' he called as he tried to stand back up. But no one answered, nor did his mother come.

After a few minutes, Endru fell to his side in exhaustion, crying for a mother that was not coming. He fell silent, staring at the sky and trees that seemed to mock him. He wondered if his mother left him. Did she not want him? Did he do something wrong? Endru couldn't understand why he was alone.

The sky started to darken, and rain began to fall. Endru couldn't tell if it was the rain or his tears that kept falling down his cheeks. The rain didn't let up, but not once did he feel the cold. But, he did sneeze a few times, and his fur was soaked.

Endru rolled over, trying to stand up again so he could take cover. He struggled for a while, falling down a few times until finally, he could stand. Then, he took small steps, his legs wobbling each time, but he straightened his wings and continued to the bush near him.

When he finally reached the bush, he fell into it due to being tired from forcing himself to walk. The branches, on the inside, cut his fur a bit. But, he didn't care as his eyes closed, and he fell to sleep.

A gorgeous dragon floated through his dream, and Endru couldn't help but reach for the dragon. He felt a familiar connection to the dragon and wanted to wrap himself in them. The dragon turned towards him, 'My little Endru, please stay safe. I am sorry for not being there, but I will always love you.'

Endru started to cry again as he reached forward, only to pass through the apparition. 'Mama!' he yelled, only for the dragon to disappear in thin air. He fell with tears racing down his face as he wrapped his wings around himself. 'I am so alone.'

Morning came, once again, as Endru woke to the sound of a creature roar. Following the howl was the sound of people running and children yelling.

"Children, keep running!" A woman's voice frantically yelled.

"But what about dad?" A little kid's voice asked. He sounded worried.

"He is an ex-hunter, your father can handle the Khisuze." The woman answered back.

Endru heard someone tripping by his bush, falling with a hard grunt. "Mama!" The voice of a little girl cried out.

Endru tried to step out from the bush but only ended up getting tangled. He started to shriek as he tried to untangle himself. The little girl, hearing Endru's distress call, looked around the area. The mother came over, picking up her daughter to get her to start running again.

But the girl didn't want to move, "Mama, do you hear that?" The mother looked her daughter then at her son to help her get the little girl up. "I don't hear anything, sweetie. Let's go."

The boy walked over to pull his sister up but stopped when he started to hear the noise Endru was making. "I think there is something in the bush."

"We do not have time for this. What if other creatures come out? You know Khisuze do not hunt alone." The mother tried to reason, so her kids can start moving again. They were so close to reaching home.

Endru kept shrieking, getting annoyed with himself for getting tangled in the first place. The boy walked over to the bush, pulling a space open. Endru looked up when he felt brightness start to hit him, only to see a little boy.

"Oh, it is a baby raven!" The boy exclaimed, reaching down to pull Endru out of the bush. He wiped the leaves and small pieces of branches off of Endru.

'Thank you!' Endru chirped.

"Mama, can we keep him? He is so cute!" The little girl asked as she stood up, with the help of her mother, to stare at the raven.

The mother sighed, annoyed that her kids were not listening to her, "If I say yes, will we go back to running home before some creature pops up. The forest isn't safe, loves."

The kids nodded while cheering. The boy tucked Endru in his coat pocket and started running again.

'This space is kind of small.' Endru chirped, moving around in the pocket. Although, the wind felt nice and like home. So, he closed his eyes to enjoy the breeze.

Little did Endru know, this family was the start of his adventure and revelation.