Apocalypse: Staying Close

After they finished eating, they believed night was coming. "Go wash up, children." The mother told Carlyn and Jalan. Since they built the house, there were two bathrooms. Plus, there are about six people in the home, so it was good to have two bathrooms.

The children nodded as they ran from the kitchen to get ready to take a bath. Their antics amused everyone as Endru stretched his arms before he stood up, getting prepared to respond to the letter.

"Do you think we should all sleep in the living area? Jonathon and Quin can move the couches while we grab our futons." The mother thought out loud to them as she glances at the living area. It was hard to tell what her emotions were as her face looked a bit blank.

"That sounds like a great idea." Jonathon agreed as he got up, walking to the living area so he could move the couches. Quin did not say anything as he followed the father.

'I want to sleep with yo.' Lyn commented as the creature was making its way towards him.

Endru did not mind the idea; he would admit that he missed sleeping in the same room with the family. He did have Lyn and Quin when he moved into the house, but it was different from the family. "I do not mind. After I send my response, I will move our stuff in here." He said.

The mother smiled at him before she started cleaning up the table and kitchen. Endru left, with Lyn following him as he walked to his bedroom. When he walked in, he went to his dresser with paper and black chalk on top of it.

He quickly wrote his message and made his way to the back of the house. "Nünīüß cœrœ" He shouted once he reached outside.

'What do those words mean?' Lyn asked, looking confused after Endru spoke the words. The creature couldn't even pronounce it if it tried.

'Messenger, appear.' He translated to Lyn.

Lyn did not respond because the Messenger from before landed in front of them. "Y-you've called."

Endru handed the letter to the demon, "Send this to the king."

The demon quickly shook its head while murmuring a few words under its breath when it took the letter. Then, it flew away. 'That demon is weird.' Lyn commented as it moved from hiding behind Endru.

He chuckled while shaking his head. Lyn sometimes amused him. 'Let's go back in so we can move our sleeping stuff to the living area.' He responded, not saying anything about Lyn's comment.

'Okay. But the children better know that I am sleeping with yo.' Lyn mentioned as it hopped away.

'Hopefully, a fight won't break out.' He thought as he made his way back inside the home.

When everything was prepared and finished, everyone in the home was lying in the living area. The parents' backs were near the door as they rested together. The children and Lyn fought about who can cuddle with Endru. He stopped them by saying that all of them can.

They were not happy, but after Endru said he would sleep alone, they changed their tone. He had the kids on both sides of him, with his wings almost covering their bodies, while Lyn made itself comfortable on his stomach. It was not that comfortable for him.

And Quin was in the middle, almost like a barrier between the parents and others.

"This is nice; we should do this more often." The father commented as he wrapped his arms around his wife's waist.

Checking to see if the children and Lyn were asleep, he answered when he heard snores from them, "I missed sleeping in the same room, but if the kids and Lyn keep fighting over who can cuddle with me, I think I might start sleeping alone."

"Give it time. The children will grow out of it, although I do not know about Lyn." The mother chuckled as she answered.

"We, creatures, can get very possessive when we come to care for something or someone." Quin chipped in.

Even though Endru sighed, he answered, "I already had a feeling that Lyn will follow me everywhere and not let go of me, no matter how big it gets."

"Sometimes, children are the same way when it comes to their parents." The mother commented.

"It is the power of love," the father smiled before saying, "but, enough with this talk. Let us go to sleep; we have a big day tomorrow."

"Goodnight." They all replied before going to sleep.


When morning came, the group was leaving the small village, making their way to the Forest of Demons. As they walked out, the humans in the town were whispering about them while pointing at Endru.

They did not say anything about Quin since he covered himself. The people would probably kick them out if they found out that another creature was living amongst them.

"I swear, people love to gossip. Do they have anything better to do?" The mother sneered as she glared at them. A year ago, her patience in dealing with the villagers' gossip waned.

"Ignore them, honey. The people are not worth it." The father tried to get his wife to look away.

Endru would have glared at them but did not want to add fuel to the villagers' gossip, so he ignored them like he usually did; he would complain about them in his mind. The others ignored them and went on with their walk.

During the past two hours to the Forest of Demons, the kids played around with Lyn (the rare moments where they don't fight about Endru), Quin took everything in, the parents were speaking to each other, while Endru was keeping an eye out for any movement.

He brought his bow and arrows with some hidden knives because he did not know if the king would tell them that weapons are not allowed.

When they reached the forest's outskirts, Endru asked the trees, 'We are getting ready to enter the forest. Can you tell me if something is getting ready to attack us?'

'We art thy eyes and ears for how long thee needeth us.' The trees replied.

The parents pulled the children close to them when they entered while Quin moved behind the family, keeping a close eye on the family while observing their surroundings. Endru picked up Lyn.

Endru was in front, having the family follow him as they entered because he knew a little of the forest since he would hunt in it. As they started reaching the unfamiliar ground, Endru was beginning to slow down in his walk.

'Someone is approaching. The person doth not seemeth hostile, but tis valorous not to alloweth thy guard down.' The trees warned him.

Endru put his free hand out, stopping everyone as he was slowly pushing his hidden knife out from his sleeve. The family was standing stiff while Quin moved closer to them as he looked out with narrowed eyes.

A demon landed in front of them, causing everyone to jump except for Endru and Quin. Lyn was shaking in his hold after it let out a short scream.

The demon was on one knee, obviously bowing to Endru and ignoring the rest of the people with him. "Pardon my careless landing; my name is Brastirk, the third son of King Sazriran. I am here to escort you to Sazriran's Throne."

Brastirk had waist-length curly black hair with thick dark brown horns that curled. He had vast black wings with a thin black tail that was like Endru's but longer. His outfit seemed to accommodate his features as he wore white pants with a white button shirt that had a short jacket with no sleeves (a vest).

And when he looked up, his eyes were a glowing amber color.

Brastirk stood up, examining Endru's face as a smirk, showing off his sharp teeth, grew on him like he discovered gold. His expression made all the hairs on Endru's skin stand up as he gripped the handle of his hidden knife; he wanted to stab the man.

"What are you staring at?" Endru glared.

"Ah, you are just like him," the man commented with glistening eyes before quickly changing the conversation, "let us get moving, shall we?" Brastirk started walking forward, not waiting for everyone to catch up with him.

Endru continued to glare at the man, clenching his fist as he did not know what the man meant. 'Who is "him," and how am I like that person?' He thought to himself.

When Lyn started rubbing its head on his chest, the father tapped his shoulder. "Come on, little guy, don't let that demon get to you. Plus, we should hurry before we lose the man."

Turning to see the others waiting for him to start walking while giving him worried looks, he swallowed his anger and nodded. They started moving to catch up with the man.

Once they caught up to Brastrik, the demon started speaking again. "I should remind you to stay close; the others love to play with newcomers."

'Others art watching thy group, but those gents art not coming closer due to the person with thee.' The trees spoke.

Endru turned around to look at the group, "Stay close and do not wander off." He told them, glancing longer at the children. The parents kept a tight grip on the children as everyone nodded.

Satisfied with the responses, he looked forward as he continued to follow the demon. 'I wonder what awaits me here.' He thought.



• Nünīüß cœrœ

Messenger, appear

• 'We art thy eyes and ears for how long thee needeth us.'

We are your eyes and ears for how long you need us.

• 'Someone is approaching. The person doth not seemeth hostile, but tis valorous not to alloweth thy guard down.'

Someone is approaching. The person does not seem hostile, but it is good not to let your guard down.

• 'Others art watching thy group, but those gents art not coming closer due to the person with thee.'

Others are watching your group, but they are not coming closer due to the person with you.