I Would Like to Be With Him Now

Steve sat down heavily. He didn't want to witness this conversation between Jack and Martin, because it was like eavesdropping, but it felt like it was too late. The suddenness of the situation stunned him. Plus, he really wanted to hear his voice, although Martin's words were meant for someone else.

"Sorry, Jack, I wanted to call you later ..."

The sound of that voice made Paxton's heart beat faster. The sound was not clear. There was some noise on the other side, and Martin's voice was a little low.

" Why is it so loud there?" Jack asked, who had noticed the disturbance too. "Are you celebrating at the bar again?"

"No. The weather is terrible so we celebrated at Teddy's. Now I'm on the bus and I'm going home. It's still pouring so it's a bit noisy. Jack, congratulations! You've had a great race! "

"Right? But honestly, who was better on the track today? Me or Steve? "

"Jack, don't ask me questions like that!" Martin was indignant.