Tormented By Ignorance

Teddy himself was surprised at how much his eyesight had improved. It wasn't as good as he was in his young years, but almost. He used glasses, of course, but the operation was a complete success and the old man was able to enjoy the beauty of this world again.

So he saw Sid's pale, sad smile when the boy said that since he no longer needed his support, he would come home.

"Do you have to do this?" Teddy asked. "You have to go back? In fact, this room has been empty for too long. I've lived in an empty house too long. You're almost grown up. Wouldn't you like to try to live on your own? "

"I ..." Sid hesitated. Teddy knew the boy well enough to know that Sid didn't want to be a burden to him.

"I won't force you," he said, "but loneliness in old age is a heavy burden."