Sometimes You Have to Take a Risk

"Agreed," Walton expressed his support for the idea. "A smart solution to bring Martin to us. We are in the season so we take who we can. Nobody should object. That should also reassure Steve as well. What if he insists on having Martin compete in the race anyway?"

His fears were fully justified. There was no suggestion that Paxton would have to give up his original plan so easily, and their little runway with Martin being introduced as a backup driver might just not work.

"Let the drivers' results speak for themselves," Allen suggested. "If Martin turns out to be better than Don, we'll have a basis to replace the drivers. If Don gets better - I don't think Steve is foolish enough to insist on putting someone inferior in the race. "

Walton nodded contentedly. While he still had his doubts about Steve's sanity, maybe by then the private investigator would prove Alston's innocence and Paxton would have no excuse for his demands.