Love Requires Bravery

Dave knew the feeling of love!

He immensely loved his parents and younger siblings for whom he sacrificed his future without complaint.

To Sid, Dave had always been a wonderfully caring friend, and he was anxious for Sid to suffer as little as possible at the hands of his father.

So yeah, Dave knew what love was, just… not romantic and not… erotic. Sid blushed at the word. He himself, of course, couldn't say that he had any experience or knowledge of any of these two loves, but he was only seventeen (although his eighteenth birthday was approaching) and he knew that despite his boasting and joking, probably all of his friends were virgins . Everyone thought about sex to some degree, talked about it, and fantasized about it alone or with friends, but somehow few had practical experience. So they relied mainly on the knowledge available on the Internet. There were also some love poems that the teacher talked about at school, but who would listen to her?