A Grain of Sand

"Yes," admitted his secretary. "Terrence is said to have a soft spot for gambling and has incurred debts with the wrong people. Consequently, he lost his company and at this point is only a puppet president."

Michael took a deep breath.

"So Terrence has been taken over by some gangster. Do you know by whom?"

"Nobody knows. No name came up. None of the bosses known to us started to show more dynamics. Everyone starts to wonder who the gray eminence is."

"Like in a fucking Monte Cristo" Michael expressed his displeasure and his use of an ugly word met with surprise from his secretary.

"Except there's no between them, I mean, between Simmons, Fergus, and ... no dark secret, no dead body, right?"

Moore looked at him with a thoughtful smile. He knew that after 'and', where the break had occurred, his secretary meant him, Michael Moore.