Greed and Sacrifice of Love

Worrying to spare, however, served little purpose. It was the experiences that shaped a person's character, the challenges that life presents. Martin was very young, and youth has its own priorities.

"Even if Martin is not made for car racing," commented Moore, "I'm sure that if he decides to sign for Steve, nothing bad will happen to him. He is in love now. It's natural for him to want to sacrifice everything for his love. Youth can be terribly romantic."

"If you keep talking like that, I'll feel bad again that I didn't sacrifice my job at the Stables for you..." muttered grimly Jack.

"Hey, what sacrifice!" Outraged Kevin. "We're two grown men, and I don't wish my man to have to give up anything for me. You said yourself that sacrifice looks good in the movies, but in life it's not so rosy. If you had to sacrifice your career, your friendship, the joy of racing for me, I would kick you out of bed, forever."