Valentine's Day Special 2

Valentine's Day should never fall on a weekday, Martin said while riding the bus to work. Along the way, he passed excited teenage girls and teenage boys, probably waiting for some love confessions from their dream partners or preparing their own. Martin envied them a little. He was just a tad older than them. He should feel exactly the same enthusiasm as they did, but all he felt was uncertainty about how he should behave in front of Steve.

Of course, he won't go up to him and say "Happy Valentine's Day." They'll only see each other at work, and there their relationship wasn't announced, so they won't be able to show affection for each other. They will have to behave as they always have, indifferently, which will only make Martin more anxious about how he should behave toward Steve after work. Only then should he tell him a declaration of love? Or should he say nothing even after work?