Valentine’s Day Special 4

So Martin, not quite understanding what was going on, looked.

In front of them stretched the river, whose current reflected the light of the stars and nearby buildings and the sea of city lights a little away. Like in a fairy tale, the lights crept across the water transporting their eyes to an enchanting fantasy world. So there were places as charming as this, places where young Steve eased his loneliness of a teenage boy. The view was beautiful, but Martin's eyes turned to Paxton, whose confession made him shudder.

Did Steve really think that? Did he really feel that way?

Martin's heart went wild. Is he…? But... how? How could it be that Steve was saying something like that to him right after he had been so enthralled with the actor in the cinema? Here was something decidedly incomprehensible.

"This place... Are you sure you want to show it to me specifically?"

"Of course. There is no one else in the world."