Chapter 4: A Thank You

1). I wake up next morning… Facing David. He actually looks tame, and..cute…not frowning scarily… As I…wait… What? I was snuggling David. He…put a barrier …between us..Uhm. Huh? Did I sleep walk again? Thank God he was still asleep though. I remember… I use to snuggle him in nap times…20…years…ago, as I remember…mom…humming that song. I look at him even closer as I start to hum, my mom's song... He smells…good too, Shane Victoria Drazel Stand up! Be a girl of poise and glamour! I am not going to throw myself like that! Just because... he's...he's, in my lack of words I propose the term delicious. He is scary though when he stares, like, he's going to eat your soul. Dracula style! Are werewolves this scary? He's pretty cute when he smiles though. Like this…This moment.

2). I look at him again. I come closer to his face. He was semi-smiling. Ah Cute as fuck!!! and...oh- ya! "You are so handsome you know that..." I said, I look at his lips. It was very luscious, the one feel. I touch it. Then touch my lips with it. I jump silently out of sheer happiness! Oh Lord, forgive for I have lusted!

3.)I stand up a little. Look around. This is so exciting! I was alone with David. Gush, I am so....No! Shane! Keeps your distance! One alligator apart! Keep your composure, you are a lady... Not I just stop and admire David from afar. But, what would society think of me?! If I just...Maybe I should behave myself. I knock my head in the table to stop my sexual urges to procreate with such... a hot, hot man. I look at David again…maybe just a kiss. Like sleeping beauty must wake up or snow white. But... I am a lady! I should calm down. I look At David again. Forgive me lord, for I will sin... I go to David… maybe just a kiss. I move my face closer.

4). "I would not do that if I where you..." said David, he glares at me like a wolf, hungry for a prey. I panicked. "It's not what you think, dumbass!" I said to David as I turn around. David stands up. He exhales. He moves and walks outside in his tattered pants and his bare, upper body. "Ugh...My head! Geez! I loose control again, Damn it!" said David he adds, "Thank you...for, stopping me, yesterday...I..." said David. He looks back

5."It means…a lot…. Please turn around." He said. I look away, I look at the mirror's reflection, He was naked behind the sheets as he walks to the closet, on his perky butt ;), OH MY GUSH! As he takes a red boxer brief trunks." I said don't look!" said David. "Dumbass! I am not going to look!" I said. But I looked again, now he was wearing his red boxer brief.,Perfectly snuggling his muscular plump, perky butt. Wait, this is that rice situation again, where you want to slap it! "I said no looking, pink panties!" said David angrily. Seriously, is this guy has all the anger in the world, but he was blushing shyly too… But, I look back,

6). "Dumbass! My panties right now is green!" I said. I look at my panty though. It was carnation pink. Wait... How did he know? "Did you just peek in my panties?" I asked. David sighs as he blushes even more. "None of your business!" he says as he goes out and jumps to the lake. He makes a steam next to him in a 1 feet radius. David dives down. His face softens. A Smiley, cute look. "Haya will be here to fetch you…" said David. A Sheriff's car arrived. Haya signs to me. I go to here.

7). We go down, and back to David's house. Gunther, his son, and daughter was sleeping next to each other on the couch. They look very tired too. Being kidnapped for 3 days was very tiring. Gunther's units were sleeping on the carpet, near the...Fixed Hole. It was a rough event for everyone involved. Haya looks at me. "Shane-y! Eh! Let the Scout rangers have a rest." As she sips coffee and adds, "These people are actually part of my unit." said Haya as she sighs, "I'm sorry, you have to see what happens, when he loses control... Please don't treat him like some sort of monster... He is a very kind man… But, he looks like a terror reincarnated." as she hugs me.

8). It was scary to see David like that. The area was dry-freeze in and out. And few more scout rangers returns, very tired. Heath goes down. "Wait, I thought you are hurt?" asked Haya. "No... David threw out a glancing blow. It hurts a little, but it was not a kill shot. Man! He doesn't like to kill, unlike Commander Bernie though. Commander Bernie just pounces around and watch heads, hands, feet fly by or explode... That Old Coot, The Vanishing wolf is very much worse." said Heath as he realizes, "Why I can't remember?"

9.)"Even he is in berserk mode, he still care for his friends." said Haya. David lands in front of the door, in a white tank top and blue shorts. Those thighs. Like, 'do you even do skip leg day bruh?' "David. You must take few days off and house arrest...because of the frozen forest, and, the people you saved, just counters your offence. DAVID! As the acting Commander, I will order you too... not overdo it!" said Heath. "What about Heath?" asked David. "I will be under investigation... It is hard to believe that I alone, did it….going on and kidnap people. I don't have a purpose…" said Heath he rubs his chin and say, I also thought….YOU are kidnapping people. It doesn't make sense. David...just for a measure. Wear that stunner anklet. I am playing safe...I really got no words let's say, opposing truths. I will wear one too. But, the victims says, you save them and Iwas kidnapping them.." said Heath.

10.) We are all puzzled by it. "Most of the people are convicted criminals, man eating supernatural beings of just... a Bunch of civilians out of nowhere." said Heath. Marina looks at the pictures. "Some are convicts, they are delivered to Vancouver. The Man eating monsters... are dropped dead in the restricted Park reserved Areas.

11). Haya and David looks at each other. "That's weird!" said David. "Pretty weird if you ask me. I'll ask your Dad, Chieftain Fireflower. David. This is something weirder than I even taught off...Too weird. Things... Doesn't make sense. The statements, differ from each sources, despite, literally being near each other... some say Heath walks down like a herding dog, other sources, he was kind to them. While some said; You fought that wolf killer whale in water." said Haya "I did fight fly in water..." replied David. He looks at the data. "I mean... Jasper is not that big, we are just about in..." said Haya as she takes her paper. The Population would just only be around 4,950. "4,500..." said Haya. I and David look at her. "Wait...The population of Jasper is 4,950...not 4500 flat." said David. "Dabby, Data don't lie... But, as for you..." said Haya as she puts a metal machine anklet on David's right foot and Heath's left foot.

12.) David sighs. "Look at the bright side, your family is here... your girlfriend was her..." said Haya as she winks. "Dirty Doggy thoughts!" said Haya. "SHUT UP!" said David as he blushes. "I am not his girlfriend/ She is not my girlfriend!" shouted both me and David. "Whoa... chill down lovey-dovey... people are sleeping!" said Haya as she and Heath goes out. Marina says, "Kuya Dabby! Bye! UwU." said Marina sarcastically as she laughs. "What did she say?" I asked.

13.) "She's calling me older brother. I'm a year older than her. No... If the Amihan Clan will here this, they will fucking not stop, talking about me, where is my girlfriend, my girlfriend,m y girlfriend! MARINA! Don't tell Lola! (Grandma!)" shouted David. "I will tell her!" shouted Marina as they car goes away. I smirked. "Why? Am I not pretty to be your girlfriend?" I asked him. He looks at me, and laugh. I got angry, karate chop his head. "No! It's not that! My Amihan family, is Spanish-Filipino. And they never shut up if they will hear this." said David. "I'm fine with that... you cute when you sleep."I said. "Creep." replied David. .David sighs as water particles floats around him. It steams a little as it starts to stick on the people's skin then steams again.

14.)The men wakes up one by one. "What is that?!" said Gunther. Their wounds healed. "Dude thanks!" said Gunther. Mackie and Mona wake up. Mona takes her phone from her bag and starts to Do things Teenagers usually do in the Phone. "Uncle Dabby!" said Mackie as he runs and hug him. "Hey there buddy! You want to be like a werewolf like uncle Dabby? DON'T!" said David. Mackie holds David's both cheeks. "You are Prince Charming, so you should act one!" said Mackie.

15.) "I am not that handsome!" said David. "Duh!" All the girls and boys always talk about, where is your handsome uncle? Please... Even my science teacher, asks for your number...AND his a GUY!" said Mona, I think your science teacher is not a GUY....guy. Just saying. I look at David with that look you give, when someone is oblivious. Gunther laughs, "Dude, you are handsome, nohomo, anyways...Team... We are going back to the headquarters and we will move to Montreal... We are here just to, take orders of Alma Matter from your company..." said Gunther. "Commander, we can handle this... You are still in your 72 hours vacation leave. You just said you know someone who has a high ranking in Astral Singer Company..." said by one of his men.

16.)"Okay! Men, Move back to Montreal, I'll catch up after 48 hours!" said Gunther looks at David's foot. "Seriously? They chain you up again?" asked him. "Dude, This are for emergency measures, I can't get away from a certain distance. My papers; that I am identified as CIS male werewolf." said David. I smirked and say, " So werewolf is like... a gender?" asked Shane.

17.) "Gender is just male and female, sexual orientations are different!" replied David angrily. "Chill CIS Fertile Werewolf male!" I said. He was pissed even more. "Dude...The Secretary of Defense wants another order! Oh well." Said Gunther. "Okay, Just vouch it out to Rose..." said David as he presses something on Gunther's Tablet. He says, "You're girlfriend is pretty...pretty. I did not know you like big bottom ladies, nor ladies with small boobs..." said Gunther. "Hey!" I said. "She's... something." Said David. "What something?" I asked as I blush and flirt a little.

18)."Something else!" replied David with all the void expressions on his face. I punched him, put I broke my wrist. David just started to laughs, Gunther laughs at us and says. "You two are very close..." said Gunther as he presses on his Tablet and he looks frustrated doing it. Mackie helps him on his tablet. "Oh! So that's how to make that!" said Gunther. His men go out as a Military truck stops by. "See You Commander! See you Sheriff!" said by the one that told him about vacation stuff. Gunther looks at the both of us.

19). "Oh, the memories in this house...Anyways... You look familiar...Uhm..." asked him. "Call me Shane, Shane Victoria Drazel..." I said. "Mhhh, I admit, you two. Kind of, like a celebrity couple. "No, we are not!" said both I and David. "Honestly David... don't really smile, a lot, nor talk a lot, nor acting like this. It just puts a smile on my face, looking at him... being, happy." said Gunther.

20). I look at David. He really is smiling. So cute. He looks at me with that serious look again, "Stop staring at me!" said David as he avoids my gaze as he goes upstairs. "All though...Why Heath? Why is he behind this? Something is not right..." said Gunther. Mackie looks at me he thinks. "Dad! She was that pretty lady in Uncle's picture! The one with a blonde girl next to her and a small uncle!" said Mackie. Gunther checks his vest. Mackie takes on the album. "It's my mom ,and me with David and Selena...20 years ago!" David smiles softly.