The Final Chapter

-The story is now at Shane's Point of view-

They slowly…put the blanket to David's face as the beep flattens. I cried.

I cried my heart out, to someone I loved.

Later that night. David's remains was there I hold his hand and kiss his forehead one last time. I stayed in his Cabin in Patricia lake as I found a Blue Fae lily near my vase. I took it as everyone parades on their Sheriff's remains until they are here. as I open the Blanket covering him and Put the Blue Fae lily on his chest around, beneath his hands.

Later that Evening All the town came as they watched and I sing my mom's song…

I : "This is a song… I would sing, for a while….

Right at this moment… before we say farewell!,

This is a song, that we share, this moment,

This is a song…before, I say Good bye! Good! Good! bye!

C: Sing to me… This song of the stars,

sing all the love, of a cherished heart…

Sing to me…

This song of love!

So I would remember… I would remember… Remember you…

II: Yesterdays even running, in my mind and being,

Such, every joy is, just a fleeting memory …

Every rain not easing, all my fears and worry

Cast away the anger, getting up every time


C: Sing to me this song of the stars

Sing all your love ,oh cherished heart

Sing to me… This song of love!

B: So I will remember….

I will remember…

You my love…

Outro: Sing to me…

Sing to me…

Sing to me…

Everyone throws flowers on David's Grave as the Blue fae lily glows a little.

"Shane…" said Dad. "I'll be fine dad…I'll be fine… I'll stay here for a while." I said.

As we slowly Push David's raft, slowly dissembling in the water, making David Sink in the very bottom of the lake.

I stayed There, then Season changes, I look at the waters and the Dimly lit skies.

"David… Where ever you are I will miss you…" Then Autumn came. Maybe Imma skinny dipping. The way, I and David met. So Cold, Bu relaxing as I stare in the Full moon and the stars. I bumped into someone.

"Sorry…I still don't understand but… I'm here." Said… DAVID?!

I stand up. It was him, and The Blue Fae liliy was…attached on him like a tattoo.

"Shane." He smiled to me I hug him. As we kindle the romantic evening. He carries me in the cabin as his beard caresses to my body that's waiting for him.

The Next morning. I found myself naked. Without him. "Damn, I really have wild vivid dreams I wear my clothes and It was snowing a little. David was outside. I hug him from the back. "You're real aren't you?" I asked him.

"Yes." He replied as Heath,Haya ,Marina and Jeremy goes to us in bliss and awe. David laughs a little. Little by little, people comes to us. I look at David and Hug him as he Hugs me back and kiss me with his warm lips.

He shouted in happiness

"Guys! I'm back! WOHOOO!!!" shouted David as snow start to fall, little by little. He looks at me smiling with that handsome smiling face, sapphire blue eyes and short hair. He smile is very precious that I missed it as I hug him.

"Don't worry Shane, I'm back…I'm not going anywhere…" said David as he kisses me. The crowd applauds


"Damn, At least my calculations are true though…" Said E.J. found himself in a underground facility, in black prison Garb. I , Jonas was walking towards him. "Wow… So how's my boy?" I asked as my hand turns gray. He gives my Gray Seed Back.

"Dad, you just leave your seed-clone behind like that? For what? You only had few" asked E.J.

"Shhhh… My boy, I'm just doing this so we can find your adoptive mother Victoria…" I said. I stand up and look around the lab facility. The Old Lab.

"How's your…ability?" I asked.

E.J.'s arm becomes black and wooly as he emits strong soundwaves.

The people looks at us and say in unison;


"Guard give me the keys…" said E.J. as the guard gives him the key.

"Oh… Nice. Anyways… So far, The Blue Fae lily is capable of bringing David back to life…." said I said as E.J. and I go to a father and son road trip for a long while. I gave him a Black Suit with Red tie.

"Damn… I will miss everything…" Said E.J.