
While enjoying his break with lunch, Darma got a message from Skrul. In his message Skrul said that he now works as a journalist specifically discussing political issues. As a friend, Darma is certainly delighted by this good news. Skrul also apologized because he just had time to reply. Because he's so busy taking care of the job application process. Skrul also said that if he had many flying hours, he would be assigned to cover political issues on certain planets.

Darma closes his cellphone screen. Guldi then came over. He said he wanted to show something. Darma nodded and followed Guldi to a window. He pointed to the tarmac where the plane was getting off. After the airplane door was opened, many people descended. One of them is a creature that is all made of iron.

"They are robots from the planet Tron," Guldi explained.

"What's the difference with the usual robots?" Darma asked.

Guldi then explained everything he knew about the planet Tron. Darma was thinking hard trying to digest all Guldi's words.


The news about Yora's escape has been heard among the prison guards. But they don't care. Because Yora is only a low-class criminal and his crimes are only minor crimes. But the officer who was made to look like Ramna was interrogated. Because he was proven innocent, he received only a light sentence.

That morning when the officers opened Yora's cell, Yora suddenly yawned and turned into an officer who was changed by Ramna. They were all confused because Yora fled without the slightest trace. Not even the cell locks were scuffed at all.

Apparently, after escaping through the hole made by Ramna, they came to a forest that was rarely traversed by people. The ground in the forest suddenly opened up into a square hole then Ramna and Yora appeared from below and the hole closed again. Yora looked at her left wrist and a holographic watch appeared. She pressed a button and suddenly the trees around him turned into a small, triangular spaceship, concave above it because it blended into the cockpit and deck. The door opened then Yora and Ramna came inside and the door closed again. Arriving at the deck, they approached an empty table which suddenly appeared a hologram and showed the planet Ephora.

"We are at this point," Yora pointed to one of the flashing dots on the hologram of the planet Ephora.

"Our job is finished?" Ramna notices.

"Yes. I've been watching the station for almost a week and there's no sign of our enemy landing on this planet. And if it weren't for those annoying earth creatures intruding, I wouldn't have ended up in a stuffy dungeon." Yora's face looked irritated.

"Why are you acting there? They nicknamed you little thief."

"Oh come on. I am bored. Not bad, is there entertainment?

Ramna shook her head. They both then went to sleep.

"Yora, why do you hate earth creatures so much?" asked Ramna as he lay down.

Yora just turned her body to the right and covered her entire body with a blanket. She didn't want to answer.


Darma is very tired. but he had to go out for a while to buy necessities. After buying everything he needed right, Darma came home. But unfortunately, the bus is no longer there. He looks at the map on his mobile. The distance is about ten kilometers. Quite far. He was forced to walk home. He was on his way, he decided to cut the road to be faster. After all, going into a forest or garden is not as scary as on Earth. Ephora is full of wonderful shining lights. Darma stepped across the road to a small forest. In fact, he occasionally takes photos and sends them to Skrul.

When he reached the middle, he heard the sound of the airplane engine starting. Darma is confused. Why is there a plane in the middle of the forest? He's approaching. Getting closer. And when he arrived at the source of the sound, how shocked darma was when he saw a spaceship in the shape of a triangle on which there was a basin for the cockpit. Even more surprising, the pilot was Yora. Darma immediately concluded that Yora had escaped from prison. While Yora, who was in the cockpit, saw Darma watching the plane, she immediately rushed to fly the plane.

Darma ran and when the plane took off, he jumped as hard as he could and managed to grab the handle to open the door if the door could not be opened automatically. Ramna reminded Yora that someone was hanging under the plane. But Yora didn't care. She continued to spur his plane up into the atmosphere. Darma continues to hold on.

Yora activated the camouflage system. The noise of the aircraft disappeared and the plane slowly also disappeared invisible. However, the dangling Darma did not disappear. Because something outside the plane will not be lost. That's how the camouflage system works. Ramna reminded Yora again. Yora was forced to order Ramna to bring in Darma. Because if Darma stays outside, they will be detected by radar so they can't escape.

The door opened down and Ramna stretched out her hand and Darma was pulled onto the deck. When he was short of breath, Darma's eyes were startled by Ramna's appearance. Not. It was not that his head was covered with a hood and his body was covered with a purple robe. But Ramna who has no legs. Even while walking, Ramna floated. Looking in more detail, it turns out that Ramna has no face. Only round purple eyes. Actually there is a face. It's just that his whole body is like smoke.

"Who are you?" asked Darma frantically.

Yora was still driving the plane in the cockpit. She ignored Darma's question.

"We are members of the Freedom Alliance," Ramna replied.

"Lie. What I hear that you guys often help planets colonized by the great alliances. "

"That is true. But in Efora we are currently on an operational mission. "

Ramna took out a flat red iron mask without a nose and only eye sockets. He wears it on his face.

"I better use this alone to not scare you," suddenly Ramna's voice changed to that of a child.

Darma is shocked.

"Who are you? Why is your voice changing now? And why don't you have legs? "

"I am Ramna from Planet Ethias. All inhabitants have no form. like their inhabitants, all the planets are made of gas. So we like to use solid objects to physically interact with other creatures. Regarding this voice, I purposely set this voice-changing mask to a child's voice so that I won't be so creepy. "

Darma feels calm. Because Ramna seems to be easy on friends with other creatures. But he didn't like Yora's rude attitude.

"Stop this plane right now!" said Darma.

"Calm down. We didn't commit any major crimes. For Yora who messed up at the galactic station, I'm sorry," Ramna tried to calm Darma.

"Ramna! No need to apologize. He should be the one apologizing for putting me in that annoying dungeon," Yora snapped as she pressed the auto pilot button. Her chair rolled back and then he jumped down and looked at Darma hatefully.

"If I want, I can throw you off this plane. So, shut up!" she then snapped.

Darma doesn't accept it if he is yelled at. He picked up a stick on the deck wall. The stick lit up and shocked Yora and Ramna.

"Impossible. Can you make that wand light?" Yora asked with bulging eyes. I was so shocked, he was sweating a little.

"So what? There are lots of toy sticks like this on Earth," Darma pointed the stick at Yora and Ramna.

"Hey wait! Don't use that stick if you want to be saved." Ramna tried to persuade Darma.

But Darma ignored him. He swung the staff at Yora but suddenly, his body bounced and hit the wall of the deck and he fainted instantly. The stick fell. Yora came over and checked on Darma's state. He's all right.

"Yora," Ramna looked seriously at Yora.

"Impossible. This is impossible." Yora shook her head.

"No matter how hard we refuse, the facts prove that he can awaken the power of the wand made by the Zalf nation, the creature of the planet Manda. Only they can raise it. "

"But he is from Earth."

"Maybe he is Zalf. Or the descendant of Zalf. "

"Impossible. If the descendants of Zalf, his skin is not as clean as Zalf."

"We just take it to headquarters first. Then we ask the captain."

They hurried. After exiting the atmosphere, they immediately jumped the speed of light and accelerated four times so that they managed to escape from Efora.

To be continued...