The next morning when Taylor and Dilan returned to the camp after patrolling the outer edges the entire night, Edward shouted to Dilan, "I will wait for you, forever"

Azrael said, "I can't be your friend, because I still love you"

Hearing them Dilan felt awkward in shame and Pickle finished him off, "you are a gentleman boss"

He turned to the sprinting away, Taylor, 'he was with me the entire night so how did he tell them '

Turning back he saw the three giggling at him and walked to Pickle and snapped him on his forehead, "Boss! What happened to Lord? Just what are you learning from them?"

Azrael said to Dilan, "take it easy, don't hit the child"

"Don't worry Brother Azrael it doesn't hurt. Boss wouldn't... Ouch...I mean Lord wouldn't hit me hard", Getting knocked on the same place, Pickle rubbed his red forehead.

"When did he become your brother?"