Chapter Six: Past: Notices

"Thora! We've all had it!" Justin's voice boomed by the hallway of the work floor.

I hurried to the door slightly freaking out, thinking of a hundred reasons why Justin sounded pissed. What did I do wrong?

"Unico!" Lucy yelled.

What was going on? Who screams at work like that? I swear I attended every meeting. All presentations are completed. I don't have anything left… or do I?

"What did I do wrong?" I asked when they found me at my office door.

"She doesn't even know what she did wrong!" Lucy huffed tapping her right foot hurriedly with an annoyed expression.

I saw Michael approaching us with a half annoyed yet amused expression on, with papers in his hands.

"Please do tell me why two of my employees are annoying my best employee like a siren."

"Ouch, my feelings!" Lucy fake cried.

"Simple. We've honestly had enough. She's here from not 8 am no! But 7 am and leaves only at 5:30 pm. Come on Michael. Give her at least a week off." Justin said.

"Honestly Mr. Michael we all see why Miss Unico is a great employee and leader. She's kind, dedicated, hardworking, and pushes for this agency but sometimes... all of this comes with rest. I may still be new here but her presence is felt." Ann said with a smile

"I understand, which is why I need you to file these leave papers. Thora, you are off for two weeks, if there's anything urgent, I'll contact you." Michael said whilst handing the forms to Ann.

"Wait! Isn't this my choice?" I hurriedly said.

"No!" Justin and Lucy shouted in unison.

"You already have dark circles around your eyes. Don't get me started on your energy levels." Ann said.

"But- "I started.

"But nothing. Forgive me for this but…" Justin trailed off.

"But what?" I asked curious to see what he would do.

He bent down as if to tie his shoelaces but then he scooped me up and placed me over his shoulders. I shrieked and held onto him, shocked at what he had done. Once he was sure I was balanced he began to slowly walk forward. 

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"Justin Elis put me the hell down!" I screamed as he spanked me.

Everyone laughed.

"Ladies and gentlemen of this workplace thank you for supporting, I and my girlfriend, Thora Unico's engagement." Justin said loudly with a hint of pride.

"And here I thought I could win her heart, is it too late?" a voice said behind me. I couldn't even turn because Justin held me hostage.

"Mr. Taylor it's good to see you on one of my company's rare good days." Michael said with a smile.

"It's good to have a light atmosphere but strict mainly I hope?" Owen questioned.

"Trust me, always." He said.

"So, what brings you here, I'm pretty sure I don't have you in today. Unannounced?" Ann asked as she pulled out her phone.

"Definitely! I was hoping to see Unico." Owen said.

"Well, I apologize. She's mine." Justin said as he walked away with me on tow. I waved at Owen when I finally caught sight of him and mouthed sorry.

He nodded with a slight frown. Lucy waved and ran after us.

"So where are we going first?" Justin asked whilst slightly adjusting me on his shoulder.

"To put me down I guess." I said sarcastically.

"Nope, I got you, babe. I swear you lost weight." He said.

I spanked his ass and he just snickered.

"To the spa!" Lucy said.

"Alright!" Justin put me down as Lucy opened the car door.

"In you go princess." She said as she entered the driver's side. Justin sat with me as the back holding my waist. I guess to keep me from jumping out of the car?

The ladies at the spa treatment were kind as they welcomed us. Most flirted with Justin as if he owned a chocolate factory, but who wouldn't. His messy hair had added an 'f-boy' look, his height possibly 6ft, blue-green eyes, and a buff yet not much body suited him perfectly. A picture-perfect. The problem is I couldn't see him as my type of guy.

If I had to, it would be a fight 50% of the time, 20% make out, and 20% survival chance. Jus is a person who saw things behind a camera, I on the other hand preferred to sink myself into the situation by acting on it, it's dangerous but worth it. I relaxed as the lady began to massage me and I allowed myself to let loose as I closed my eyes.