Chapter Eight: Past: Surprise Threesome

Loud knocking interrupted me from my deep slumber, I don't remember how I got home but the glasses and the pizza box on the floor proved that I did a lot of stuff. If that wasn't proof enough, Justin was in my bed, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. He had a puffy pink scarf on top of his head and I still had my charm bracelet on, I always took it off before I went to bed. Which means Lucy went somewhere else. The knocking returned and I slowly tried to pull Justin's arms from my waist, only for him to tighten them again.

"Justin, someone's knocking please let me go." I whispered.

He just mumbled something and brought me closer, if that was even possible.

"Justin." I tried again.

His eyelids snapped open and he gave me a lazy smile.

"You should be asleep." He mumbled, his voice currently deeper and huskier, could I say he sounded sexy? Just asking.

"Someone's knocking at the door, let me go check who it is." I requested since I wasn't at liberty in my own apartment.

"No, I'll go." He sighed as he tried to pull himself out of bed, only to land on the floor with a 'thud' and to see that he's dressed only in boxers. I shook my head as I giggled.

"It's fine. I'll be back as soon as I can, with tea."

"Not like that." He growled. Only to notice that I was dressed in a crop top and panties.

I looked around and found Justin's t-shirt. When I picked it up Justin's whistled and I gave him the stink eye. The knocking returned so I couldn't even scold him. Lucky ass. Justin's T-shirt reached mid-thigh, so I didn't mind being only in undergarments. I raced downstairs so I could open the door and see who was persistent in earning my presence.

"Alright! You better have a good reason to wake me up." I said as I unlocked the door. I opened it only to find Owen at my door.

"Sorry to wake you up." He said shyly as he scratched the back of his neck. I rose an eyebrow and took in his presence. Dressed in blue jeans, a black shirt with a white jacket and black Jordan's, he was casual unlike the rest of the times when I met him with a suit at work. He seemed like the handsome man I met at the block party.

"Ow-en" I stuttered a bit.

"I wanted to see you and see if I could have your attention for today." He asked.

I just stared at him with a hundred thoughts and questions working overtime in my head, like what was he doing here, how did he get my address, is he not at least uncomfortable that I am dressed in another man's T-shirt? Lusi would be doing cartwheels if she saw this.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion on your day off and that I got your address through your boss with a deceptive motive." He chuckled a bit.

"No…No it's alright. Please come in, I'm sorry that I was so rude to just keep you by the door. Please forgive the mess, my friends have been making or forcing me to have a good time." I said as I walked to the kitchen, leaving him to follow me.

"Tea, Coffee, Juice?" I offered.

"Juice please." He stated as he sat on the chair by the kitchen counter. I pulled out one glass and two mugs so I could make Justin and I tea and give Owen juice.

"If I may ask?" he started when the kettle began to boil.

"Go ahead…"

"Why are you making three cups when we are only two?"

"There's three of us in this apartment."

"Oh, I wasn't aware that you were in a relationship."

"I'm not."

"I didn't know you did flings…"

My head snapped to him with such irritation, I was about to tell him off when the kettle clicked indicating it was done with boiling. I continued with my job serving him with my silence. I poured the orange juice into a glass and pulled out a saucer, placing muffins and putting it in front of him. I went on with the task of making Justin and I's tea.

"Justin, do you want a sandwich or muffins!" I yelled from the kitchen fridge.

"Sandwich please!" he yelled back.


"You the best sexy!"

"Always touchy!"

I looked up to see Owen had cast his eyes onto his half-eaten muffin and neglected juice. I snorted and went on with the task at hand.

"I apologize for my questions and my disrespect to you plus your privacy. I had no right to ask about your sexual and romantic life. Especially querying about the man in your life." he said after a few minutes of my back to him.

"I should kick you out for that but it's not even my apartment." Justin's voice rang out as he came into the kitchen.

"Well, aren't I glad." Owen's sarcastic tone slipped out.

"I don't like you and your disrespect towards my girl adds more of hatred to dislike."

"I don't need your praise boy. Plus, last I checked she's available."

"Want to bet?"

At this point, Justin was face to face with Owen, both men with snarls on their faces like dogs and how fast had things escalated… I was beginning to take deep breaths, I couldn't breathe properly, think, or say anything.

"Deal." Owen growled.