Chapter Thirteen_Present_Therapist

"So, Owen surprised you at that moment?" Olivia asked

"Definitely. This has never happened to me."

"You're such a bad liar! My brother would never do that! You threw yourself at him! You're lying- "

"Don't make me gag you Alex. Just because I knocked you out and tied you up doesn't mean I'm too merciful. For the sake of our friendship behave. You were never there. All you have heard were snips from his emails and letters."

Alex eyes went wide with shock.

"You really thought I didn't know that he sent fake news to his family about how I was a cheater and how him and I just kicked off when we met. That was an absolute lie. Yet I still loved him until he…"

"Until he what?" Olivia asked.

I smiled.

"If I told you what's the use of the story?"

She simply smiled and nodded.