Chapter Forty-Eight: Present: Unseen: The Lines Rise

"I needed to figure out a way to at least keep my family legacy moving even if we had no ties in the black market for a year. So I figured the best idea is to make sure that we made more money to keep us afloat but that means we also had to spend a lot." I said, moving around the room to find the legalized documents for the business.

"How? You said it yourselves, you guys were forbidden from having any kind of business or relations with anyone for a year."

"Obviously, in the mafia, we weren't allowed to do anything but there are many things to do than just kill, sell, and produce. I wanted the line to grow, wanted it to be known for more than one area or aspect. The only way to do that is to broaden your mind. Each person was talented in different aspects. Allon in security. Mico in IT and then there was me with business. Then we had the girls. Your mother has a skill in fashion and distribution or publishing. Then there was Huitaca."