Chapter Eighty-Three: Past: Lusting In front Of Wives

Her breathing was harsh as she held her head and pistol high, the smoke coming from her gun was evident enough to show what was done, she could feel the guards behind her peep though the door to see what she had done but none of them were brave enough to push past her to see if their boss was okay.

She took two steps forward, those close to her could feel her anger radiating throughout the room, warming the room up with her fury. She didn't bother running to see if she had killed him or not.

She knew what she did, so she didn't bother racing forward.

Placing the pistol back in its place, she poured herself a brandy and sat down across him. his body laid on the table, face down without a flinch or a tinge of movement. Someone came in and I noticed it was the cleaners and the nurse. I clicked my tongue and looked at them lazily. I couldn't stand them sometimes… they couldn't just let a person bleed out.