Chapter Ninety-Three: Past: Alarmed Confessions

The sound of her snores filled the room for once, usually, when she slept it was quiet but for the past couple of hours there was sound and honestly, I didn't mind it. so I woke up and watched her. I watched her body rise and fall steadily. I watch my mouth form a frown and twitch as if something was bothering her. I was glad for one thing it didn't wake her. it didn't wake them.

"Oh no," I heard her murmur before she fell forward and I caught her. the blood dripping down her legs, made my skin made me go pale with fear. 

"What the heck! Red Six, why is she bleeding!" I snapped, hoping that she and the baby were not about to lose their life. I watched Red Six, raise her dress up slightly trying to see where the blood was coming from. Luckily it wasn't from her private but from her thigh, a bullet had hit her.

How had she not noticed?