Chapter Hundred & Eighty-Seven: Past: I Take Thee To Be

His hand covered her mouth, trying to keep her quiet as he gestured for her to breathe normally. He was trying to help as his own music played in the background, it scared her that if something happened, he would be killed because of her. She didn't want someone to die all because she was running from her husband.

Her body was tired, she had bruises in places that were hidden by anything she wore, she felt stiff and her unborn child was kicking, announcing how uncomfortable she felt at the moment. Her mother's emotions worried her and made her shift around, trying to become comfortable.

Unico's tears fell and the man looked down at her, noticing her tears, he wiped it away with his thumb and he could see the fear and pain in her eyes. He wondered how she had gotten to a place where she was running away from someone while she seemed to be heavily pregnant.