Chapter Two: Hundred & Four: Past: Red River (Part One)

Owen's blood boiled as he watched the car disappear, leaving him to clean up the mess before Unico would return, he didn't want her going into labor from shock or worse, gaining pride or ego because she had warned him. He didn't want the woman changing her reserved ways because her family was suddenly here to protect her.

No no, he wanted to keep the fear instilled in her.

Walking back into his house, he headed straight into the room and pulled out the office phone, dialing the one number he knew could clean up the mess within twenty minutes. He just hoped it would be enough to clean the mess up and avoid the questionnaires from Unico.

"Mr. Taylor, how have can I be of service to you as it been a while?" came the man's voice, his voice deep as he spoke to him. "I need you to clean up a mess urgently before my wife gets home." He said quickly, not going into friendly terms as he knew it would waste time.