Chapter Two: Hundred & Nine: Past: The Picture Of Losing (part one)

Picture this.

You are in a car, speeding on the road, dodging every car and cops check, on the top speed. You can hear the screeching of the tires as you take rough turns, drifting into every new road, trying to get to your destination. Your rival is time but oddly it feels as though your top rival is your fear. You are head to head with it, trying to get to the point in your life where you can finally say you made it, you won but you know that if you ever did, life would be over. 

So picture this.

You reach your destination and now you must forget the tool that helped you get there and depend on yourself to get to the very place that you are need in. You run and run, pushing past everyone even though you don't know where you are supposed to be. You push past the doctors, push past the nurses, you hear the protests and shouts for you to stop, for you to come back. But you know that if you look back you will see how close your fear is to you.