Devil's Mistress

Jade looked at Cale with incredulity. He was sounding crazy. She gave him a full look and she couldn't help but notice just how dishelleved he looked. He wasn't like the Cale she had known, he seemed changed and there was something different about his eyes, as a matter of fact, everything about him looked changed.

Her eyes scanned the room, and just as she has suspected it was a large and empty room. There was nothing in it except the small mattress she was currently sitting on. She looked at the place where she had been, and she noticed the nails were only placed at that spot. They were small and new and had all been placed to face upward.

She glanced back at Cale with distaste in her eyes. He was such a cruel person. What would have happened to her if she had been persistent to move? She would have had nails poking all over her body.