Q&A [After Chapter 12]

Alright, here's the Q&A section. I'll also include the name of the person asking cause, why not.

Enjoy, I guess?



For Q/A How long will this fanfic will last? Because usually most bnha fanfictions don't last longer than season 1 of the show.


Hmm, probably up till where the Manga is? I haven't read the entire Manga yet so I'll need to do some research. I know that some stuff goes down with a bunch of nomu's shitting on the heroes. But to answer your question, beyond Season 1, for sure.



Is there going to be a main romance? I can't see there being one since Hiroto is similar to Saitama. But I have seen that the most possible pairing(s) is Mina or Momo. Just asking cause I'm curious and not because paring really matters in this type if fanfic.


Although his personality is similar to Saitama, you still need to remember that he's free to choose and do whatever he wants. He might be more inclined towards certain things, but freedom of choice is still there. As for romance, possibly. As for Mina and Momo, why not let fate decide it? (hohoho, I am fate)


Questioner: Kaneki_Kiyotaka

Are you going to follow canon or put some new things in it?


I'll follow canon for the most part, up until Hiroto punches and destroys it, jk. But I might add some new elements to it, like other countries and such. Who knows, we'll have to see.



So my question is could you make him act a bit more like a teenager? Sure some of Saitama would rub off on him but he is a teenager and should still be interested in girls and hanging out with friends. I mean even Saitama hanged out with King and Genos.





is his hero name gonna be caped baldy?


I'll ask for a vote in the future, on either Caped Baldy or One Punch Man. Don't do it here, I'll do it in the comments on a future chapter.



Is he gonna use a Serious Series move in the fight with the villains


Sure, if you want that villain to disintegrate out of existence.



do you any plans to make another fanfictions


Currently, no. I have my hands full on this one, and Uni is about to start for me in a month.




how many wang could a long wang, wang is a long wang could wang a wang



Hope you enjoyed the Q&A. I might do more in the future if you guys want them or have any pressing questions that would like answered.