
[Authors Note: There's a lot I changed with regards to how the other students were going to be arriving on I-Island. Not gonna lie, the way the anime did it was so half-assed and messy hahaha. I made it more believable here so it won't be like the others would be there just for plot's sake. Legit, the wiki said they were there due to 'various reasons'. Gee, thanks fam, lots to go off on there xD]


At school, before the 1st lesson began everyone was discussing about what their results were going to be. Practically half the class was gathered around the side of the class where Hiroto's table was at.

In a small group, Mina, Eijiro, Sato, and Kaminari still looked lifeless as they lamented their performance yesterday.

Mina was tearing up, sniffing, and said, "Everyone… *sniff* I'm looking forward… *sniff* to hearing your stories… *sniff* about the training camp…"

"The results aren't final yet! There could be some last-minute changes!" Momo said, trying to placate Mina who was on the verge of breaking down.

Sero shook his head, saying, "You should probably stop, Yaoyorozu, you'll jinx them." He then turned to Hiroto who was daydreaming again, saying, "Say, what's up with you? You seem to be out of it more than usual."

"...I had a nightmare…" Hiroto muttered silently, with Sero and Momo exchanging a confused look.

Interrupting them, the door to the room slid open to reveal Aizawa with a stack of papers in hand, saying, "Get in your seats and shut up." Walking in, everyone was already in their seats, staying completely silent as though the past 5 minutes never occurred.

Standing behind his podium, Aizawa addressed the class, "Morning. Unfortunately, there are those who did not pass the final exams. Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods… Everyone's going!" Aizawa exclaimed in a jovial tone, resulting in the 4, Eijiro Mina, Sato, and Kaminari shouting in celebration.

"We can go too?!" Eijiro cried out.

"Really?! Really, really?!" Mina said, tearing up in the corner of her eyes.

"Yeah," Aizawa said, adopting his lazy persona once more. "Some failed the practical, but no one failed the written exam surprisingly. In the practical, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, and Sato failed. Sero would have also failed, but since he saved the hostage, those bonus points saved him."

Sero heaved a sigh of relief, followed by the 4. Aizawa continued on, "The training camp in the woods is one to increase strength. The practical exam was targeted towards your weaknesses and see how you would cope with them in a high-stress situation. So those who failed need it the most. They have to get stronger."

Aizawa then adopted a shit-eating grin, saying, "The failing part was all just a rational falsehood to bait you."

The 4 kids that failed instantly smashed their heads into their desks in frustration and disbelief. Hiroto looked at the 4, thinking, 'Talk about being in sync.'

Aizawa then handed out a small pamphlet to everyone that contained information about their training camp, the date, what it would consist of, and the date it would take place.

Aizawa then coughed, gaining everyone's attention again, saying, "There's been a last-minute change, however. What was supposed to happen is that when summer vacation came, we would take you to a 1-week training camp. However…"

"However, I am here!! With big news!!" All Might shouted, swinging the door open and posing, before walking towards the podium next to Aizawa.

Aizawa shot All Might a glare, prompting him to be quiet as he continued saying, "There's been a change program. There's now an optional addition to your summer break, a week before your training camp since we pushed it back."

All Might then turned around and switched on a display that emerged from the ceiling. The display then turned on, following by practically everyone in the class being shocked by what they were seeing.

On the large display was a large island circular island surrounded by large white walls, completely artificially made. The island came with 4 different cities, separated by large bodies of water and natural foliage. Each city was situated in a corner of a triangle formation, with the centre being the 4th.

The display then zoomed in to show beautiful beaches, great lakes, and incredible cities.

All Might brought everyone out of their stupor. "This is I-Island. I'm sure many of you have heard about it from the internet and TV, so, can one of you tell me what this location is? Midoriya?"

Izuku looked excited and answered while thinking. "Let's see… To create a place where the world's talents could gather to research Quirks and support items!"

"Correct!" All Might said, further explaining. "Not only that, but the entire island is mobile as well in order to protect the scientists and their research from villains. Their security is state of the art, rivalling the prison 'Tartarus' and no villain has committed a crime there before!"

Practically everyone had stars in their eyes at the point of All Might's speech. Momo then raised her hand and asked, "Why are you telling us about this?"

"Good question, young Yaoyorozu!" All Might nodded, "Currently, I-Island is about to have it's preopening of I-Expo, an exposition showcasing the results of various research and developments. Once it has opened, we are giving you the option to go as a class to go to the Island!"

"What?!" Eijiro exclaimed, slamming his desk.

"Seriously?! Yeah!!!" Mina shouted, jumping from her seat.

Everyone was practically celebrating, with Aizawa having to cut in. "Settle down! There's still more to talk about!" He then glanced towards Hiroto, Katsuki, and Todoroki, saying, "Since we are the best school dedicating to training upcoming Heroes in the entire world, we were gifted special tickets towards the winners of the U.A. Sports Festival."

This caught Hiroto, Katsuki, and Todoroki's attention. All Might laughed and said, "Moriyama, Bakugo, and Todoroki, since you 3 obtained 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places during the festival, you get to visit the island before everyone else and to its exclusive Grand Opening!"

Hiroto smiled, looking towards Todorki and Katsuki, with the latter also not being able to hide his smirk. Everyone was also jealous of the 3, but since they were the clear winners, they couldn't complain.

"Moriyama, stay back after school. Since you got 1st place there's something else for you too, but it's only for you to hear," Aizawa said, turning to All Might, prompting him to continue.

"I don't doubt that any of you would choose not to have a chance to visit I-Island, so I'll explain what we'll be doing. Aizawa-Sensei will be travelling with you all a day before the opening. You are allowed to bring your costumes, but make sure to fill out the form we'll give you later on, we still need permission for you all to use them on the island." All Might then started to feel a bit nauseous and decided to hand the rest to Aizawa, shortly leaving after.

Aizawa picked up the rest from him, "Unlike Japan, I-Island doesn't have a ban of using quirks in public, so people are allowed to use them as they wish." He then switched the display to show numerous attractions that could be found on I-Island.

"There are a lot of attractions in the pavillions that use Quirks. There are also facilities that are targeted towards people aspiring to become Heroes or just for a chance to use their Quirks, such as races, gauntlets, and fighting training dummies." Aizawa explained.

"However, the main attraction would be the various support items that are being researched and developed there. Although the bigger toys are kept behind tight doors, there should be some recreational items you could buy. Besides that, if you do have something you want or anything in mind that could be used to improve your skillset, you can apply for it through us and we'll send it through." Aizawa said, switching the display off, concluding the impromptu guide to I-Island.

"So, any questions?" The moment, Aizawa said this, everyone's hand's minus Hiroto's were raised instantly, eliciting a sigh from the man.


After school, having bid farewell to his friends, Hiroto made his way towards the staff room to meet up with All Might. He was once again directed to the staff restroom and upon entering, saw Izuku already waiting there with All Might across from him.

All Might, in his true form, greeted Hiroto, "Moriyama, please, take a seat. I won't take up too much of your time."

Hiroto nodded to the two in greeting and took a seat next to Izuku on a stool, saying, "So, what's it going to be this time? Are we talking about a new supervillain? Is it Vegeta? Let me tell you, that guy is a pain-"

"No no, nothing that serious." All Might said, interrupting Hiroto while shaking his hands, "We're only going to be talking about I-Island, as well as your special privileges."

Hiroto nodded and gestured towards Izuku next to him, "Does this also have to do with you?"

Izuku shrugged, saying, "No idea. I just came after All Might asked for me."

Coughing, All Might interjected, saying, "Well, in regards to young Midoriya, I'm going to be taking him with me separate to the class. There's an old friend there that I would be meeting, he's helped me out a lot in the past, so I want him to meet my protege as well."