Chapter 17. Heartbeat

The atmosphere became strange, suddenly a sense of awkwardness enveloped Winda. She replied nervously.

"Eerm, why did you ask me to become early?" Winda stands looking at another corner of the room, trying to divert Luis's question because Winda doesn't know what to answer. Winda really felt ashamed of being caught by the owner of that baby's face.

Luis smiled, "Help me take off my clothes and take me to the bathroom," asked Luis.

"Don't tease me, your leg is already healed, you can walk alone without my help," Winda didn't want to be fooled anymore.

"Hahaha ok, but my hand was injured so ..." Luis stuck out his index finger and gestured Winda to come closer.

Winda finally relented and helped Luis open his shirt. Only clothes, for the bottom of sure Luis, can open it himself. Winda said to herself.

Winda also helps Luis put on a shirt and suit after her patient has finished taking a shower. When Winda put Luis on a tie, they were so close that Luis could freely see every inch of Winda's face, even so, Winda felt his heartbeat erratically, at the end of wearing the tie their eyes met each other.

Lub dug ...

Their heartbeats seemed to be beating stronger than usual. They looked away from each other when they realized the awkward atmosphere.

Winda helps put the shoes on Luis's feet. The man smiled with satisfaction and hoped in his heart that this woman would always help him dress every day.

"Winda, tomorrow will be the last day you will be my personal nurse. But tomorrow I have a business outside the country. I hope you are willing to come," said Luis hopefully.

"Ah, but ..."

"You just have to say ok, I'll take care of everything. Let's just say you're on vacation tomorrow after a week of patiently caring for me," Luis tried to persuade.

"Ok," said Winda a little doubtfully. Instantly Luis's face lit up as if he had won a big prize. "But not only the two of us left, right?" Winda asked, feeling uncomfortable if you just went together.

"The three of us go with Niko, you take it easy in Malaysia and we will spend the night at my sister's house," said Luis, as he knew Winda's concern.

Winda can only nod in resignation. Think of it as your toughest task on the last day of work as a personal nurse. Said Winda to herself to calm down.

Today Luis invited Winda to go with him to the office. Before going to the office, Luis first stopped at a boutique, he wanted to buy Winda some clothes as gifts. When the black car that Niko was driving pulled over to the park, Winda caught a glimpse of Ari's reflection coming out of the boutique in the arm by a woman in a sexy dress heading for a silver car in the corner parking lot. Winda tried to think about the woman's figure.

Who is that woman, obviously it is not Ari's cousin Vindri, because Vindri always dresses modestly even though her body is so beautiful to show off. Who is this? Inner Winda.

Winda then took her cellphone and called Ari but he didn't answer him, then Winda sent a message, Ari answered if she was on duty at the hospital. Finally, Winda smiled after reading the message. Even though Ari lied, actually the men Winda saw earlier were indeed Ari and Jesika.

Ah, it looks like I saw it wrong. Apparently, it's someone who looks like Ari. Winda said to herself. She was relieved.

Winda enters the boutique with Luis, Niko chooses to stay in the car and not disturb his master's quality time. Luis tells Winda to choose the clothes he will wear to accompany Luis to the office, Winda refuses because she feels comfortable wearing her nurse's uniform, but Luis insists, he says, "Don't embarrass me, I'll think I have a serious illness that must be escorted by a personal nurse" Luis reasoned.

"I think you've been proud to use a private nurse, why are you suddenly embarrassed?" Winda smiled mockingly.

Maybe Luis just wanted to maintain his authority in front of the employees, thought Winda. Luis just replied by shrugging his shoulders while showing a charming smile. For a few seconds, Winda's heartbeat stronger.

Winda looked at several models of clothes and colors, all of them looked good according to Winda, it was seen from her eyes and the way she smiled when she saw these clothes. Everything was so good that Winda couldn't choose. Luis told the boutique maid to wrap all the clothes that Winda had seen but again Winda refused, it was too redundant according to Winda.

Finally, Winda chose a turquoise dress with batik motifs, short sleeves, closed-chest, slightly smaller at the waist but widening below the knees. Winda stands in front of the mirror, she looks cute with her hair in a ponytail. But Luis, who suddenly stood behind her, pulled her hair ties, leaving Winda's straight hair loose.

"Like this is more enchanting," whispered Luis in Winda's ear while hooking a few strands of Winda's hair behind her ear.

Winda felt a strange thing, her body was like being electrocuted, warm, thrilling, simple sentences that gave effects like dopamine drugs, soothing.

Twenty minutes later they arrived at Luis's office, all employees from the entrance to Luis's office stared at Winda curiously. During the time Luis started the company, there had never been a single woman in his personal life invited to the office. The company employees started talking about the President Director and the woman in the back.

"Who is the woman with the Director? That woman is beautiful, huh? Very harmonious with the Director."

"Is that the Director's lover? Does this mean they're getting married?"

"That woman is ugly, not worth the Director," said the employees who like to say bad things.

"The director has never been seen dating any woman, how could it be his girlfriend. Quickly ask Niko's assistant, he must know."

"I don't dare, I don't want to get in trouble."

The employee's gossip behind the Director, they talk to their heart's content even though they don't know the truth. Luis tells Winda to sit and wait for him on the sofa in the same room. Meanwhile, Luis walked out because he saw a little excitement from the crowd of his employees.

"What happened?" asked Luis in his authoritative voice. All employees were silent, no one dared to gossip again after hearing Luis's voice.

"Don't look at what you don't need to see, don't talk that doesn't need to be discussed, one more thing, don't take care of what's not your business! You are paid for work, not gossip," Luis said firmly.

That is Luis, who is always tough on his subordinates, but if it is outside working hours and accidentally meets outside, he will be very friendly with his employees. So even though Luis is like that in the office, all of his employees respect him and make him an idol, many employees like him.

Meanwhile, at the entrance to the department downstairs a woman insists on meeting Luis, even though she hasn't made an appointment. A woman in sexy clothes arrogantly said that she was the son of Mr. Luis's very important work relationship. The woman broke through and continued towards Luis's office.

The woman walked like a model in action on the stage of a fashion show. His arrogant face made people gossip and sneer.

Who is this girl?

Will there be debate then?