Chapter 21. Jealous

Luis invited his relationship to sit next to Winda and he chose to sit in front of his relationship. Yes, Luis's relative for this project is Mr. Andri Hermawan, who is Winda's biological father. Luis wants to surprise him and build a closer relationship with Winda and his family. This is Luis' way to win Winda's heart, not only the people he likes but also his family. The old saying goes, get the blessing of your parents and happiness will accompany you.

"How can you work with Luis on a project?" asked Winda curiously.

"I was very surprised that a cooperation contract letter suddenly came to my father's office, from another big company." Winda's father was excited to tell it.

Winda looked at Luis asking for an explanation, this could not be a coincidence. However, Luis didn't answer anything, he just smiled broadly.

They ate dinner with a delicious and warm atmosphere when they talked to each other about many things, but this time not talking about business matters, everything that is said about the life of the Hermawan family.

After two hours of familiarizing themselves with each other, now they must return to their respective places to rest. Winda stays with Luis because her father still has to solve many business problems. Finally, the three of them parted ways in the parking lot.

"Thank you for this nice dinner and meeting, young master Luis," Mr. Hermawan shook Luis's hand.

"It's nothing, I hope you don't call me young master, just call Luis," Luis felt uncomfortable being called that by an older person he really respected.

Actually, Luis wanted to ask permission to call Mr. Hermawan as a father, but ... Aah, Luis thinks it's too early, it will sound rude. Luis has been missing a father since his parents died in an accident several years ago. Being close to the Hermawan family made him feel the warmth of a family again.

"Hahaha okay, but actually the title is appropriate for you because you are so talented at your age. Then I will go first, please take good care of my little fairy," said Mr. Hermawan, patting Luis on the shoulder.

"Sure," Luis replied firmly with a charming smile.

Winda hugged her father before they separated, now Winda has completely changed her mind about Luis. Yesterday he was so annoyed with Luis who seemed impolite and at will, especially if Winda remembered the first time they met in room 1 VIP at Kencana Medika Hospital. Yes, at that time Winda really hated this person beside her. However, now it is different, Luis is very caring and kind to himself and his family. Winda secretly began to admire the man beside her. Without realizing it, Winda stared at Luis for a long time without making a sound and Luis realized that.

"Don't look at me for too long, you will fall in love," Luis smiled wickedly as he brought his face closer to Winda's face until only three fingers away.

For the moment their hearts were both beating so fast, this was not the first time their hearts had been like this. Winda who woke up from her reverie then stepped back but her body lost balance and would fall. Luis's good fortune is able to catch it by grabbing Winda's waist. For a moment they looked at each other. Winda immediately stood up and pushed Luis's chest because she felt extraordinary awkwardness.

"Ehm, let's go home" Winda left Luis behind.

Luis smiled triumphantly, he then jogged to be able to walk parallel to Winda. Luis took the hand of the woman beside him, Winda turned to Luis trying to question how dare the man beside her suddenly took him, but Luis ignored her even more tightly holding the hand, Winda stopped walking and tried to pull her hand.

"You'll fall again later," finally, said Luis, then grabbed Winda's hand, guiding her to the car park. This man is always good at giving reasons that make Winda helpless. Winda's heart was beating again, the man who was holding her by this time was protecting her, simple but sweet.


The next day Winda and Luis prepare to return to Indonesia because Luis's business affairs have been completed and can be monitored remotely. Zafran cried continuously since morning, he already felt comfortable with Winda so he was reluctant to separate, even Zafran forced him to come to Indonesia but that was impossible because Lisa was very busy dealing with business in Malaysia. Luis also didn't want to bring Zafran along, he felt busy if he had to take care of Zafran, especially since they never got along because they were both ignorant.

After Winda accompanied Zafran to play for a while and advise him, finally Zafran wanted to leave. Lisa smiles happily seeing Winda able to win Zafran's heart, Lisa is now sure that Winda is a good girl, of course, her favorite sister will not be sad and lonely anymore after this.

At Pulau Penang Malaysia Airport Zafran gave something to Winda, this little man is so sweet and smart.

"Aunty, don't forget about Zafran, huh? Zafran promises to be a good child and grow up quickly so i can follow Aunty to Indonesia."

Zafran gives a chocolate-flavored lollipop to Winda and asks her to eat it. Winda smiled sweetly and obeyed Zafran's request.

"Little man, this is delicious. Thank you, huh?" Winda kissed Zafran's right cheek. The little man smiled sweetly and his cheeks flushed.

Luis who saw that felt jealous like a child. "Come on in, we'll be left behind by the plane." Luis took and ate the lollipop in Winda's hand even though it had already entered Winda's mouth. Luis grabbed Winda's hand, forcing her into the departure waiting room.

"Evil uncle, that lollipop is for aunty!" Zafran screamed in annoyance with Luis.

Winda waved to Zafran and Sis Lisa. Lisa waved back Winda's hand while laughing amusedly seeing her sister's behavior who was jealous of small things.

Niko bent over to Lisa then ran following Luis and Winda.


This morning was so bright, a new day was about to begin. Winda started her usual routine, now she has returned to duty at Kencana Medika Hospital. Winda went straight to the head nurse's room when she arrived at the hospital.

Yesterday after arriving at Adisudjipto International Airport, Winda said goodbye to Luis and Niko, Winda allowed him to go straight home because she wanted to rest. Today she returned to duty at the hospital. Luis allowed it because when he got home, a mountain of work was waiting for him because he was relaxing for a week.

Winda knocked on the door of the Chief Nurse's room and immediately entered after being welcomed by the one who had the room.

"Welcome back Winda, thank you for doing your job very well." The head nurse was proud too. Winda smiled worthy of repaying the praise of Mrs. Sukmawati, the Head of Nurse at Kencana Medika Hospital.

"Oh yes, regarding your next assignment, because our hospital will be accredited, there is a slight change, so some nurses are rolling to other departments and in this case, you and Risa are affected," the Head Nurse observed Winda's reaction to the news.

Winda is a little disappointed why she has to be moved along with Risa's odd, nagging, and gossipy nurse.

"So starting tomorrow you and nurse Risa will be rolling to the ER department." The head nurse hopes that Winda can accept the decision.

What? ER department? Oh, no ...