Chapter 30. The End of Wounds

After finishing dinner, the storytelling program continued in the family room while watching a movie. Winda accompanied Zafran to learn to color not far from the sofa where Lisa, Luis, and Lusi were chatting.

Lusi deliberately showed off her closeness to Luis and occasionally clung to Luis's shoulder or pampered Luis's arm but Luis only made a flat expression. Luis focused more on watching Winda from afar and gave her a charming smile when their eyes met each other.

A few moments later, Winda was allowed to go home because it was getting late. Zafran was still reluctant to part with Winda but Winda immediately explained to Zafran.

"Tomorrow Aunty has to work, if Aunty skips work, I will feel sorry for people who are sick because they have to wait to recover. If Aunty is off work we will play together again," Winda persuaded Zafran in a childlike tone and a soft voice so that Zafran could easily understand...

"Ok Aunty, but promise, tomorrow we will play again, Zafran wants to go to the Zoo with Aunty," Zafran showed his little finger to Winda with a cute expression.

Winda immediately linked her pinky finger to the finger Zafran showed. "Promise," she said with a sweet smile.

"Thank you Winda, for wanting to accompany my son," said Lisa, kissing Winda's right and left cheeks.

"You're welcome Sis, I like small children," Winda smiled, she felt relieved that Lisa received her well.

Winda approached Lusi intending to say goodbye, Winda stretched out her hand, it took a while until Lusi finally shook Winda's hand with a condescending look. Winda doesn't take it seriously, she's getting used to the treatment of arrogant people like that.

Winda and Luis looked at each other without saying anything, just smiling at each other.

Winda took her bag and stepped out of the room, Luis immediately took action because he didn't want to waste his time with Winda.

"Sis, I will take Winda home," Luis ran and grabbed the car keys to catch Winda immediately. Luis deliberately took action at the last minute, because if from the start Lusi realized Luis' intention to accompany Winda, surely Lusi would not let him.

"Luis wait!" Lusi's efforts were in vain because Luis was already gone. Lusi could only grumble inwardly.

Outside the house, Luis grabbed Winda's hand and walked parallel to her.

"You ..." Winda surprised.

"Will I take you?"

"Won't it be a problem?" asked Winda mockingly.

"Hahaha ... of course not. I've been waiting for a chance to be alone with you," Luis smiled teasing Winda.

Luis's luxury car sped down the street through the darkness of the night, in the car, the lyrics of romantic songs were heard touching the heart, the atmosphere became sweet.

Suddenly Luis's hand grabbed Winda's hand and squeezed it gently. Winda could not refuse it, honestly, her conscience also wanted it. Luis smiled happily as he continued to drive without turning to Winda, Luis felt happy because there was no rejection from Winda.

Winda seemed to consider something, a few minutes later she began to speak.

"Um, Luis. Can I tell you now?" Winda is a little awkward.

"Just say, I'll listen," said Luis, still focused on the road ahead.

"Um. I've decided to accept you," huft finally said too. Winda felt relieved even though her chest continued to pound.

"What?!" Luis immediately turned his head in surprise, disbelief at Winda's words, even though it wasn't so clear.

Luis immediately pulled his car to the side of the road, as soon as his car was neatly parked on the side of the road, Luis immediately positioned himself facing Winda. Luis grabbed Winda's hands and held them, his heart beating erratically.

"Can you try again?" Luis's face was hopeful and super serious.

Winda became increasingly nervous, she felt her cheeks warm, her heart was beating stronger and faster.

"I've decided to accept your feelings," Winda finished her sentence and lowered her head because she was embarrassed to be stared at that close and with a serious expression on Luis's face.

"Yes! Yeah ... yeah ..." Luis put his arms up and down as excited as a child getting a new toy.

Winda spontaneously laughed at Luis's reaction, "Hahaha ... you little kid."

At first, Winda thought that after she expressed her heart, there would be a romantic moment with Luis and made her blush even more.

Winda has already decided on her choice, after considering Luis' good treatment of himself and his parents who are everything for Winda. And for Ms. Lisa's good attitude, she accepted her. Winda doesn't want to linger anymore in the wounds of her past. Winda fully believes that Luis is a good man who can make himself happy and even his family.

Luis grabbed Winda's hand again after finishing with his euphoria. Luis is serious again.

"Thank you for welcoming my feelings," said Luis sincerely.

Winda just smiled and nodded. Luis grabbed Winda's cheek then spread under her ear, brought his face closer, trying to reach Winda's lips. The heartbeat of both of them was beating fast as if it echoed in both ears. Their lips collided, Luis enjoyed the soft lips of the woman he loved, warm and moist. It feels so sweet and soft. Luis felt dissatisfied with just kissing her once, so Luis took another sip, getting deeper and reluctant to let her go quickly.

Dddrrrtttt ...

Luis's cell phone rings. Luis was forced to stop his fun, he saw Lisa's name plastered on the cellphone screen, Luis immediately picked it up.

"What's the matter, Sis?"

"[Your business is still a long time ago? Lusi shut herself in the room, she was crying all the time. Brother is afraid that something will happen if you let it,]" Sis Lisa's voice sounded worried.

Luis glanced at Winda, Winda immediately nodded as if she knew what Luis was asking.

"Okay, I'll be home soon." Luis closed his cell phone.

"I'll take you first," Luis started the engine.

"No need, I can go home alone, it's okay," Winda held Luis's hand to reassure him. "Come home soon, Lusi needs you."

Luis immediately got out of the car and stopped a taxi that passed in front of him and invited Winda to get on. Luis also did not forget to advise Winda to contact him when she arrived home.

"Be careful, honey," Luis smiled sweetly as he closed the taxi door.

Luis immediately got into the car and turned around, when he got home Luis went straight to Lusi's room. Sis Lisa greeted him at the door of the room.

"Lusi went straight into the room and cried after you left earlier. Sister had persuaded her to open the door but she was not heard, she kept calling your name," Sis. Lisa explained the situation.

"Lusi, open the door. It's me," Luis said, knocking on the door.

Not long after, the door to Lusi's room was opened from the inside. Lusi's eyelids were slightly swollen from crying. Lusi immediately hugged Luis as soon as she saw him, her hug was so tight that it made Luis breathless.

"Let go, I'm short of breath."

"Sorry, let's talk," Lusi pulled Luis into his room.


Winda has arrived home, she entered a room colored with a combination of pink and purple. Winda opened the bag and reached for her cellphone. Winda dialed Luis's number, for a moment he waited for an answer but was not answered several times. Winda lay on her bed, her thoughts floating on the ceiling of the room. Finally, she decided to send a message.

"I got home safely. Is Lusi all right? What happened?" she wrote.

Winda is fast asleep because she is tired of waiting for a reply that never appears.

To be continued ...

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