Chapter 40. Luck (1)

Luis seemed to think about Lusi's request. Luis believes that Lusi's request is not just a simple mutual wish. Lusi must be up to something. Luis must be careful.

"Ok, I accept it. As long as you promise not to do anything crazy and keep your promise after one week has passed," Luis said irritably.

Lusi has changed. Now she's a cunning girl. It turns out that Luis was wrong in assessing Lusi. Lusi is not the girl he used to know. The current Lusi is much different.

Lusi finally smiled triumphantly, "When did you start accompanying my days?" Lusi asked in a spoiled voice and she kept looking at Luis's handsome face. Lusi looks happy.

"Lusi! I still can't stop thinking, why are you acting like this now? Lusi, whom I have known since childhood, is very self-respectful," Luis looked at Lusi with a disappointed look.

"Huh ..." Lusi looked away and sighed in support of her hurt, the man she liked offended her pride.

Luis indeed said, in the past, Lusi maintained her self-respect but all that has changed now. All her ego and pride had been thrown away in pursuit of Luis's love.

"Are you curious? These are all-natural things, I sacrificed my pride in front of you. The man I loved from the first. Can't you feel how great this taste is? I love you, Luis." Lusi is deep into her role. She shows all her feelings to get Luis's attention. But a taste can't be forced, it's all about taste. A taste that grows in a person's soul.

"Enough Lusi, how many times do I have to say, I only love Winda and will never change. I have made my choice," Luis said clearly.

"No! You will change your mind." Lusi covered her ears, didn't want to listen to Luis's explanation. "Today is enough, go home and get ready for tomorrow. Maybe you will tire me out of my way." Lusi smiled meaningfully, brushed her hair, and entered her room.

Lusi didn't want to hear more rejections from Luis. Now she doesn't want to know all that, what she wants now is to use the time available to reclaim Luis's attention and heart.

In the car on the way back to Luis's apartment.

"Nik, I think you still have to follow me from afar when I'm with Lusi. I think maybe Lusi will do something crazy to me. I don't want anything bad to happen. If that happens, at least you can be a witness who will explain the truth. there, "Luis advised Niko.

"Yes sir, I will always monitor from a distance." Niko obeyed his young master's orders.


A week with Luis and Lusi. Lusi has done various ways to attract attention and steal Luis's heart again. Like always dressing fashionable and beautiful in front of Luis. Diligently working on the construction project of a branch hospital in Malaysia, she even seduced Luis by wearing sexy clothes. Repeating sweet incidents in childhood. Romantic dinner, but all in vain without the slightest result. One name, Winda, has never faded, even if it's only for a second from Luis's memory. The woman always sits on the throne of Luis' heart.

Lusi was so furious that she felt like she had run out of ways to trick Luis. Lusi is almost frustrated that Luis has taken her style off his feet until the incident this afternoon happened.

"Before you go back to Indonesia, let's have lunch at my apartment, okay?" asked Lusi after a meeting at the office with several shareholders.

Luis seems lazy to serve Lusi's wishes. Lusi has been fed up with Lusi's attitude during this week. All this Luis did for the sake of the continuity of the project in Malaysia and the sake of Father Hermawan.

This project is the first cooperation contract outside the state of Mr. Hermawan's company, which happens to be that Mr. Jhonas or her father Lusi is the largest investor in the project this time. Luis does not want to undermine her father Winda's endeavor to penetrate the foreign business market. So that he worked hard to launch this project so that in the future Mr. Hermawan can have the trust of foreign investors and his company can develop.

"Ok, but not for long, just lunch and I have to go. My flight is in two hours. One more time, don't break your promise," Luis reminded me.

"Yes, I know. Because of that, I invited to lunch so I can show that I will sign the cooperation contract in front of you." Lusi is still being spoiled for Luis, she continues to stick to Luis.

Lusi smiled with meaning as Luis agreed to her request. Lusi will make the most of this opportunity.

Hemm, what's Lusi's plan? Will Luis be deceived by Lusi?