Chapter 44. Bold face

Things got a little out of control. Luis stopped him, he didn't want any commotion at the hospital.

"It's enough not to make a fuss in the hospital let alone we're in someone else's country right now" Luis mediates the debate.

"But sir..." Niko's speech stops, Luis beckons Niko to shut up.

"Lusi, are you hurt?" Luis asks Lusi gently.

I'm okay, just a little blister," Lusi displayed a contrary made-up smile. Lusi felt she still had hope because of a little attention from Luis.

"Luis, are you okay? It hurts not to be here?" Lusi tries to hold Luis's hand with seductive intent.

"Stop Lusi, I'm still good to you but that doesn't mean you can do what you want," Luis says coldly.

Lusi seemed surprised, disappointed that her plan missed everything. Lusi eventually chose to leave, because there was nothing she could do now.

"All right, I'm going home because someone's been looking after you," Lusi bowed her face, Lusi was embarrassed to stare at Luis's face, then turned around and left the room.

"Young Master, do I have to act now? Miss Lusi is so outrageous this time, I fear that if left miss Lusi will act even crazier and could jeopardize the young master's safety," the fire of emotion inside Niko is still burning.

"There's no need, I think she's embarrassed enough that we can foil his crazy plan. If we take revenge it will only create a sense of vengeance among the Adijaya and Superpower families," Luis thinks with a cool head.

"All right if it wants you."

"Nik, can you lend me your phone?" Luis asks with a little embarrassment.

"Of course, please. I'll wait outside."

Niko delivers his phone with a full sense of meaning. He rushed out because he didn't want to bother his master who was going to call his girlfriend.

"Ah, your smile makes me feel uncomfortable." Luis feels like he's being taunted by Niko's smile.


Lusi is very upset because his plans have been known to Luis, the man she has wanted so long ago.

"Honey, I've sent you two bodyguards the way you want. I hope you don't make a loss for yourself." Lusi read a message from her father.

Lusi ignores the message from her parents, she is annoyed that the bodyguards' original plan will be used to keep Luis from the bullies. Now it feels futile because the plan has been revealed.

I don't feel any loss, just out of luck. I'm going to fix my plan to make it work the way I want. Luis waits, you've been confiscating my attention since childhood, so you have to pay for everything. You have to be mine no matter what," Lusi argues with a strange laugh.

Hopefully, you don't become an insane person. Lusi, many other men can make you happy, not just because of one man then you close all the doors.

Lusi refocuses on the phone screen, but now Luis's phone is ringing. Lusi appears to misread the name on Luis's phone.

"Hello..." Lusi replied with hesitation.

"Who is this?!" asked the woman at the end of the call.

"Um, it's Lusi, sister."

Duh, why am I honest? But it's also wrong that I'm not being honest. I shouldn't have picked up the call.

Why is Luis's phone on you? Where is he? Lusi! I warn you, don't mess with my brother. I know you're very obsessed with my brother but this isn't how it is. I don't hesitate to hunt you down if you make a mistake!

You dare to cause my sister the only thing in trouble so I can cause the same to your parents. You should think about that if you don't want to be a son of a bitch! do not know the ethics of parents". Lisa became very angry with Lusi because the woman was acting beyond the reasonable limits.

Lusi's hands were shaking, her face full of anxiety. She didn't think long all this time, she was too selfish to think of himself.

"I'm not like that," said a nervous Lusi. "I'm sorry-"

Tut... Tut... The phone is immediately closed by Lisa before Lusi finishes her sentence


The busyness in the ER department is coming to an end for Winda because she's back on duty in the VIP ward where she's supposed to be.

Her busy life taking care of patients who like endless running water seized her energy and mind. Winda sips a glass of water, wipes sweat on her forehead while opening her phone as Lana sounds, her forehead slightly wavy staring at an unfamiliar number on her phone screen. Winda was even more surprised after reading the content of her message.

"[Honey, are you busy?]"

Uhm ... who sent this message, but if you look at the style of the language I seem to know, Winda thought to herself.

"Who is this?" Winda asked to be sure. The owner of the number instead called later. Winda raised with hesitation.

"Hello, who is this?" Winda answered the call.

[Hello darling, how are you there? Do you miss me?]"

"I knew you must be, why use a new number? Are you afraid of getting caught by your new lover if you call me?" asked Winda in a suspicious tone.

"[What are you talking about, honey? I don't understand, how can you accuse me of having a new lover? Hahaha, are you protesting because I'm not coming home soon? How much do you miss me?]" Luis teases Winda.

Have you forgotten? Just a few hours ago you asked me to forget about you because you prefer to be with Lusi," Winda quipped to Luis.

Luis begins to understand the situation, it is likely that Lusi has started to execute her plan by sending incorrect news to Winda.

Luis chuckles. "[I couldn't have asked for that from you, because all I wanted was to ask you to be my prayer mat]" Luis says firmly.

Sajadah? Why the prayer mat? Why are you asking me to be your prayer mat?"

"[Because one day I want to worship on you.]" Luis said softly and earnestly, that is what Luis hopes to one day.

"Stand before me and say the sentence directly," Winda said after a few moments of silence, Winda's eyes beginning to glaze.

To be continued...