Chapter 97. Confession to Intan

Winda immediately corrected the situation, she did not want Dirga to think about things.

 "Don't say like that, I look bad. Until whenever Luis will not be replaced, he is also a good man. Dirga is also not a substitute for Luis, Dirga is Dirga, not a substitute for anyone, you know that love cannot be predicted and directed, nor know the time. "  Winda explained.

 "Yes, I understand. I'm sorry," Intan regrets prejudice badly.

 "I owe you many stories, in short, I have found a person who loves me and I also feel the same way, love him."  Winda glanced at Dirga.  "And… I also get a part of Luis", Winda's eyes seemed to be happy.

 "Wait, I don't understand, a part of Luis? Do they have something in common?"  asked Intan with a frown.