Chapter 100. Accidentally

"Hah!"  Dirga was surprised by Winda's sudden question.  Dirga is still not fully aware, his mind is still drifting enjoying the passionate love that flows through the lip link between the two of them.

 Winda widened her eyes, even more, smiling menacingly, Winda's gaze demanding an explanation.

 "I ... hmm ... I ...." Dirga thought hard to give the right answer.  "I made a mistake, I'm sorry," said Dirga quickly.  Dirga was unable to find another more appropriate word, he immediately put his hands together to beg for mercy.

 Dirga's face is very pitiful. It looks very cute in Winda's eyes.  Dirga is indeed GB (giant baby) for Winda.  This unique trait often comforts him.  Winda does not want to appear easy to melt, she pretends to judge the truth of Dirga's words.

 "Is that true?"  Winda narrowed her eyes.

 Dirga nodded his head quickly, grabbed Winda's two hands then kissed him repeatedly while apologizing.