Chapter 141. An Impossible Idea Arises.

 Two men wearing police uniforms knocked on Winda's door, which had been open a long time ago, so you could immediately see who had come.

 "Good afternoon," said one of the policemen.

 "Good afternoon" answered Bunda, who was already walking toward the two policemen who were still standing in the doorway.

 "Sorry to interrupt your time. Is Dika in there?" asked the policeman again.

 "That's right, what need is there if I may know?" asked the mother, frowning and wondering if this had something to do with the incident earlier ?.

 "We need to ask for the testimony of Dika, to complete our investigation into the case of the accident one hour ago in front of your house."

 "All right, please come in. Dika is in" said Bunda as she led the policeman into the living room.

 "Dika, this is a police officer who wants to ask for testimony from you," said Bunda to Dika, so that she would not be confused.