Chapter 147. Pretend

 'What could have happened to this lady, did she have a little trouble in her head as a result of getting hit during the accident earlier? Or is she pretending to obscure the investigation results? ' As one of the men had guessed, he began to analyze the response shown by the Witness.

 The man, "Ahem" cleared his throat again before introducing himself. "We are from the police assigned to handle the traffic accident case experienced by Miss Lusi this morning," explained one of the men with thick mustaches.

 "Ah, then what can I do for you?" asked Lusi in a tone as normal as possible.

 "I'm just going to ask about a few things. Okay, I'll start with the first question. Is it true that this red car belongs to you?" asked the policeman, pointing out a photo containing Lusi's car.

 "Yeah right, this is my car."