Chapter 185. Carelessness brings disaster.

 The next day the sun was shining bright enough, its golden glow had shone on the sky of the refugee camp.

 Winda feels fresher because she has taken a shower, she feels that her strength has recovered because she could sleep well last night. Winda smiled again, remembering her dream last night when Luis covered her body. 'Hmm, Luis always makes me smile because of his sweet attitude' thought Winda.

 Winda and other medical colleagues returned to observe the patient's condition. Winda also took the time to stop by to see Bima's condition. The little boy is now Winda's favorite. Winda likes young children. Bima reminded him of Zafran.

 "Morning little boy. Did you sleep well last night?" asked Winda.

 "Yes," answered Bima excitedly, now he was no longer shy.

 "Smart, now finish breakfast, brave hero," said Winda kindly.

 "Ready, Miss," said Bima with a cheerful face.