Chapter 188. The debt of gratitude.

 The next day, Putra was still asleep in a sitting position hugging his knees, and his head sank between them.

 Winda's moaning voice woke him up. Putra has always been vigilant since last night, checking Winda's condition regularly and seeing her development.

 "Ough ... My body hurts all" complained Winda with her eyes still heavy to open. "Where am I now?" asked Winda in a very weak voice.

 "You have realized, now you are in my tent, yesterday you slipped so that you fell into a cliff and was unconscious," explained Putra briefly.

 Winda tried to remember yesterday's incident, 'Ah yes I remember, yesterday I fell into a cliff because Ari kept forcing me to give her my backpack. That is why I slipped and fell into the abyss, 'said Winda in her heart, trying to remember what happened yesterday.