Chapter 216. Rasya's Actions

 "Wow ... good idea," said Sesil and Rasya compactly, the next second they looked at each other with a fierce look and then looked away.

 "Alright," Putra went straight to the fitting room with Dirga's suit.

 Winda was disappointed because Dirga could not attend but how else, he was very busy taking care of his work so he could take a long leave at his wedding party later. Winda is still daydreaming with her thoughts.

 A few moments later, Putra appeared in a suit belonging to Dirga, he looked very handsome and would be perfect with a little light makeup.

 "What do you think?" Putra asked for an opinion.

 "Wow ... so handsome," said Sesil in a choked voice.

 "It looks perfect," said Rasya.

 Winda, who had finished wearing her dress with the help of Rasya's assistant, walked towards the front of the mirror, she turned to Sesil and her steps stopped seeing Putra wearing a suit that should have been worn by Dirga.