Chapter 281. Attempting a Role.

Someone knocked on the door of Dr. Dirga's room, while he was documenting the operation.

"Come in," he called.

"The patient's family is outside," said a nurse who had knocked on the door.

"Please come in" said dr.Dirga.

"Okay, doctor"

A moment later Prime Minister Tun Rozak and his wife entered the room.

"Good evening doctor" he greeted.

"Please have a seat, Prime Minister Tun Rozak and Madam," said Dirga.

"Just call me by name, doctor," said Tun Rozak.

"Okay, Mr. Rozak. Your daughter's operation went well and I just have to wait for your daughter to wake up so we can judge the success of the operation." Dirga then explained some important points of his daughter's health to Tuan Tun Rozak and his wife who listened carefully.


At Viantara's residence, Winda is still talking to Grandma because Dr. Vian has gone to prepare to go to the hospital because there is an important meeting this afternoon.